Saturday, March 9, 2019

Democrats admit that leftist judges are political

The latest craze sweeping the lunatic left is to revive FDR's old Supreme Court packing scheme.

The idea is that if there are too many honest judges on the Court to push through the Democrats political agenda under the guise of jurisprudence then add more dishonest leftist judges.

FDR threatened to do that because much of his New Deal was unconstitutional. Oh and by the way the New Deal didn't work. America was in a massive depression until WWII started.

Fortunately for him the Supreme Court judges were sufficiently scared that they ended up rationalizing that the New Deal was ok even if it went far beyond the powers granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution.

Today however with Trump appointing judges the Democrats are deathly afraid that the things that they can't get we the people to vote for, like redefining marriage, will no longer be imposed on we the people by judicial fiat.

Given that even the constantly lied to American people won't vote for most of the Democrat agenda losing the ability to bypass democracy and count on a few rich lawyers to impose the will of the Democrats on the people would be a serious problem for Democrats plans to make us hedonistic serfs.

But of course if Supreme Court judges were simply apolitical jurists who decide, based on the wording and intent of the laws in question, what the Constitution says then it wouldn't matter how many judges there were.  Only if the issue is that some judges use their ideology and not the actual law to make decisions does the number of judges matter.

Hence in calling for Court packing Eric Holder and his fellow Democrats are acknowledging that the current leftists on the Court, like RBG, are letting their politics influence their decisions and that the new judges that would be appointed--only if of course Trump loses in 2020--will be motivated not by a desire to interpret the laws as they were intended by the people's representatives who passed the laws but by a desire to force their own personal ideology on the American people by legislating from the bench.

Oh and the fact that we know that Holder is not calling to expand the Supreme Court by two judges in 2021 if Trump is president is another clear statement that his intent is to circumvent democracy by packing the court with leftist ideologs who will impose the Democrats vision on the people without requiring the Democrats to actually get the support of the people.

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