Saturday, March 23, 2019

Planned Parenthood lies to women

A woman went to a PP facility in Knoxville Tennessee after discovering she was pregnant.

They did a pre-abortion ultrasound, the only type of ultrasound PP usually provides, and the technician asked if the mother wanted to know the details.

The mother asked if there was a heartbeat and was told that at ages 7-8 weeks "there was cardiac activity but it was too early to call it a heartbeat".  Now that's a out and out lie since unbiased sources such as the Endowment for Human Development and say that the heart begins beating at around 3 weeks after conception.

The technician also either missed that the woman was pregnant with twins or lied about that too.

Why would PP lie?  Because abortion is PP's big money business.  According to the new head of PP it's PP's core mission.

But when a mother knows her daughters heart is already beating she's less likely to abort. Similarly most women are less enthused about aborting two babies than one.  Hence the things that PP told this mother were precisely what you'd expect if PP's primary motivation is to make more money.

Of course those on the left say that PP doesn't make money; it's a non-profit. But that's a big lie.  While PP can't technically make a profit--though it does take in more money each year than it spends--the more money PP makes the more money it can dole out to its employees; especially the senior managers.  So while PP has no shareholders to answer to all of its employees are incentivized to maximize the amount of money PP makes so that they can get paid more.  And PP uses that; that's why awards are given out to people who increase a "clinics" abortion tally over the previous years tally.

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