Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The "Equality Act" isn't about equality it's about oppressing people of faith

The Democrats in the House are planning to introduce a "Equality Act" which would put the "rights" of gays and people who are confused about what sex they are over people of faith.

If the law passes then it would mean that people who don't support the redefinition of marriage would be forced to provide services for gay "weddings" and that men who think they're women would be allowed to compete in women's sporting events and use women's bathrooms even if they're not on mediation and even if they haven't had surgery.

The core of the "Equality Act" is the use of the word equality in a manner similar to how it was used in the classic book "Animal Farm".  In that book everyone is equal but some are more equal than others.

What the Democrats want is to force a Christian baker to support a gay "wedding" even if there are hundreds of other bakeries conveniently located that are more than glad to provide pastry for the event.

It has nothing to do with equality; it has everything to do with forcing Christians to submit to the will of the State.

That's not surprising since Hillary Clinton declared that, in relation to abortion:

“Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

With Hillary saying that Christians have to change Jesus's teaching on abortion it's clear that the Democrats believe that the 1st Amendment only applies to burning flags and pornography.  Hence it's not surprising that Democrats are working to make gays and the mentally confused "more equal" than Christians.

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