Sunday, March 24, 2019

New Zealand has a Chief Censor; maybe they're not a great place to emulate

I was shocked to learn that New Zealand has a Chief Censor.

Now to the extent that he, the current Chief Censor is David Shanks, keeps hard core porn out of circulation he's doing a good job.  After all until dishonest judges redefined it our First Amendment protected political speech not porn. Arguing that porn should be legal is protected by the First Amendment for example but displaying porn is not contrary to the dishonest Supreme Court ruling.

However the Chief Censor has actually declared that it's illegal for New Zealanders to read the mass murder's manifesto.  That's bad because if they can't read it New Zealanders will be easily fooled when the media says that the attacker was conservative when in fact his manifesto declares that he's an eco activist and that the country with the ideology closest to his is Communist China.

In any case the same lack of Constitutional rights that allowed New Zealand to declare most guns suddenly illegal is why they have a Chief Censor.

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