Thursday, March 21, 2019

Will Democrats endorse Trump's call for free speech or condemn it?

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the left will be furious with Trump for linking government funding to colleges support of free speech.

Because they can't win an argument due to the insanity of their positions--economic security for those unwilling to work--Democrats are all about censorship.

They declare that "hate" speech, by which they mean any speech they don't like, must be shut down.  Apparently they can't imagine that others view their speech as offensive or they believe that they're just better than the rest of us because they never think that their speech should be silenced even as they condemn Jews and declare that Trump is Hitler.

Democrats depend on the dishonest members of academia brainwashing students and as such allowing free speech on college campuses must be prohibited lest students see the truth and reject the Democrats lies.

The #FakeNews media will either ignore Trump's action or condemn it and Democrats will work hard to get people to believe that the truth is the enemy of a good education.

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