Saturday, March 16, 2019

Why we know that the Steele dossier accusing Trump of collusion is all wrong

When the author of the infamous Steele dossier, the basis for the government warrants that allowed the entire Intelligence Community to spy on the Trump campaign, was sued in England he admitted in a statement to the court that the contents of the dossier were unverified.

Essentially the entire dossier is nothing more than rumors from anonymous Russian sources with no first hand knowledge of the events they are talking about.  In all likelihood Putin orchestrated the content since it's very unlikely that a known former British spy nosing around multiple Russian sources would go unnoticed by the Kremlin's secret police.  But if Putin knew about it and Russians still provided information we can be sure that they said what Putin wanted them to say. And of course if in fact Putin and Trump were colluding Putin wouldn't want that fact being disclosed so the very existence of the Steele dossier is evidence that Putin and Trump didn't collude.

But new information has come out which indicates that Steele was even sloppier than we thought.  In a deposition Steele admitted that at least one of his "sources" was from the since defunct CNN iReport website.

That site allowed anyone to post anything with absolutely no vetting by CNN.  When questioned about that Steele said:

“No, I obviously presume that if it is on a CNN site that it may has [sic] some kind of CNN status. Albeit that it may be an independent person posting on the site.”

So either Steele was lying under oath or he was so careless in his sourcing that he treated a random Internet troll post as a trustworthy source.  This is critical because in addition to the FBI admitting it hasn't verified the claims in the dossier Steele hasn't provided the names of the sources so that it's impossible to even see if Steele is correctly reporting what he was told. 

Basically the entire Democrat spying operation hinges on the FISA court trusting the word, and the competence, of a man that the FBI fired for lying to them.

Even under duress Cohen refused to lie that he'd been to Prague ever, much less to meet with Russians, as Steele declares.  That coupled with the fact that Steele was so ill informed he used a trolls post as a viable source and that Steele himself admitted in court that his dossier was unverified. tells us that the dossier is worthless.

Oh and one more thing.  Bruce Ohr, senior FBI official whose wife worked with Steele on the dossier,  has testified that Steele hated Trump and desperately wanted to stop Trump from becoming President.

Hence there was collusion with a foreign country by one party in the 2016 election; Hillary colluded with a British citizen who used unverified Russian sources to attack Trump in an attempt to change the election results.

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