Sunday, March 24, 2019

A tentative apology to Mueller

There was every reason to believe that Mueller was a deep state hack who would accuse Trump of criminal activity even in the absences of evidence--sort of a anti-matter Comey who excused Hillary of crimes in the face of overwhelming evidence.

He hired hard core Democrat supporting lawyers and had staff which openly hated Trump.

He viciously pursued process crimes against innocent people like General Flynn.

His office leaked like a sieve always saying that they'd found this or that evil thing that Trump had done.

But his final report has only one bad section, the one about obstruction where even though there was no evidence for it he refused to make the obvious conclusion, and it does say that there was no collusion.

So perhaps Mueller isn't the monster that his previous record would indicate; he had a tendency to hound innocent people he'd decided were guilty.

In the extremely unlikely case that Robert Mueller ever reads anything I write I'd like to let him know that while his conduct of his investigation was clearly biased I was wrong to assume he'd just condemn Trump no matter what the facts said.

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