Saturday, March 9, 2019

Ilhan Omar reveals the #FakeNews Democrat complex

In order to pretend that Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar doesn't hate Jews Nancy Pelosi said Omar:

"has a different experience in the use of words."

That is Pelosi was saying that despite Omar having said virulently antisemitic things Omar isn't antisemitic because to Omar words mean different things than they do to the rest of us.

Omar has given further indication that she speaks a different language.  She recently gave an interview to a Politico reporter in which she attacked Obama with an intensity similar to her attacks on Jews.

When sane Democrats reacted negatively to that Omar tweeted her tape of the interview claiming that it showed that the reporter and misrepresented her comments.

The only problem is that when people listened to her recording it became obvious that the reporter had in fact captured what she said correctly.

She then deleted the tweet.

This is actually a very interesting commentary on how the #FakeNews media works.

Think about it.  Either Ilhan Omar is so stupid she didn't even know what she said or she was so sure that the #FakeNews media wouldn't report on her blunder that she released a tape which proved she was lying.

While Omar's beliefs are stupid she isn't. That's why Pelosi's claim that Omar doesn't know just how antisemitic her comments are is very hard to believe.  Random people who don't hate Jews don't talk about Jews hypnotizing the world for example.

But if Omar's latest twitter fiasco isn't due to her not really understanding the English language then the most credible, to me at least, alternative explanation is that she was pulling a bluff. She knew the tape would show she did attack Obama but she was counting on the fact that no one on the left would call her on her lie.

After all if conservatives pointed out that her own tape showed she was lying her followers, and the Democrat base, would simply assume that they were lying.

What she hadn't counted on is that there is a hierarchy of deities in the Democrat pantheon.  While she is a rising star whose status will cause the #FakeNews media to ignore her many issues, like having been married to her brother for a number of years as part of some sort of scam, she is not yet at the level of say Bill Clinton who will be excused for raping a woman.

Further she attacked the left wing Politico reporter by tweeting:

"Exhibit A of how reporters distort words. I’m an Obama fan! I was saying how [President] Trump is different from Obama, and why we should focus on policy not politics."

It's fine to say that someone at FoxNews is a racist, homophobic, unethical, lying, bigot but Democrats simply can't claim that #FakeNews reporters are unethical. It goes against the mob code; it'd be like one member of the Mafia killing another without the Don's permission.

The fact that she attacked the biggest god in the Democrat pantheon, Obama, who is also Black put her actions beyond the pale. Democrats can accuse conservatives of anything and it's ok in the eyes of Democrats and the #FakeNews media but stating the truth about Obama, he did kill people with drone strikes and he did put illegal immigrants in cages, is not allowed.

This code of silence is critical for the Democrats since most of what they condemn Trump for Obama did first and to a larger extent.  If we the people ever found that out we'd tend to not vote for Democrats which is why the #FakeNews media works overtime to hide the Democrats double standard.

Omar's attack on a #FakeNews reporter was like throwing a hand grenade into a swamp; interesting stuff came to the surface. Like the fact that Omar felt so confident that the #FakeNews media would do anything to keep her supporters, and we the people, from learning just how radical she is that she tried to bluff her way out of a disaster of her own making.

No conservative would ever try such a thing because not only would the #FakeNews media pounce on it conservatives would believe it once they heard the tape; which unlike most leftists they'd actually do.

More proof of why the #FakeNews media is a threat to America. The #FakeNews media isn't a free press it's a free propaganda machine that churns and spins 24/7 to ensure that Democracy Dies in Darkness.

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