Sunday, March 17, 2019

The #FakeNews media weaponizes the Christchurch attack

The left in America are condemning Trump for an attack conducted by a man who hates conservatives, is an eco-radical, and who likes Communist China.

Because the left never ever actually tells the truth they're all enthused about blaming Trump for the actions of a rabid left wing person in another country.

That New Zealand has tougher gun control laws than the US doesn't matter to the left.  They'll still declare that more gun control is the answer.

Similarly Trump has never expressed Islamaphobia or any hatred of Islam but the #FakeNews media keeps saying he does so that if the shooter was inspired by Trump it was the faux Trump the media has constructed not the real Trump who was elected President.

An example of the Big Lie that media have constructed is Trump's mislabeled Muslim ban.  The intent of the law was to temporarily restrict people from countries where the government was unable or untrustworthy about identifying individuals until the US could set up a system so that we could verify just who was coming to the US.

Of the countries cited some were Muslim majority but 2 weren't.  Further the temporary restriction didn't impact 84% of the worlds Muslims and it applied to every Jew, Christian, Hindu, atheist, etc who was coming from the countries in question.  Hence to call it a ban--implying it's permanent--and to say it's anti-Muslim are both lies.

None the less by constantly repeating the lie the #FakeNews media has convinced many Americans that Trump does hate Muslims. But even if he did that didn't cause the shooter at Christchurch to commit his crime; that was the choice of the shooter. But since Democrats never ever want to actually blame the criminal they choose to condemn Trump for the actions of others. Of course that Democrat policy only applies one way; when a Bernie Sanders supporter tried to kill a bunch of Republican Congressmen none of the radical Democrat talk about how monstrous Republicans are played any role.

Another part of the big lie is to pretend that the shooter was a conservative.  The reality is that the shooter condemned conservatism, Trump, and America in his manifesto.  He supported Communist China and violence for ecological purposes making him a left wing monster.  By repeating this lie enough the #FakeNews media will try and use the shooting to advance their agenda; precisely what the shooter wanted them to do according to his manifesto.

One last note. There have been many attacks on Christians throughout the world in the last few years that were much worse than this one but those attacks haven't gotten the coverage or the weaponization.  After all many of them were due to the rise of the ISIS state which occurred because of Obama's too rapid withdrawal from Iraq yet the #FakeNews media never blamed Obama for them.

If one didn't know better one would think that the #FakeNews media doesn't really care that much when Christians are slaughtered.

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