Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tucker Carlson and the #FakeNews attack machine

It's come out that a decade ago, when Tucker Carlson worked for MSNBC, he said some sexist things.

At the time the #FakeNews media didn't care since he wasn't the enemy.

But now thanks to deep digging by the Soros funded Media Matters the entire #FakeNews media are in a rage because ages ago Tucker said, jokingly, some things they have now decided are unacceptable.

Interestingly the left and the #FakeNews media are calling on advertisers to boycott Tucker's TV show even though he's never said anything they can claim is sexist since he joined Fox News.

But then that's to be expected.  Democrats and the Left always call for censorship because only when their point of view is the only point of view people know about can they convince anyone to agree with them.

Interestingly the #FakeNews media doesn't report on it's own hypocrisy.  The same pundits who are demanding Tucker's head for sexist comments have no problem with Bill Clinton being accused of rape or with Hillary Clinton's vicious attacks on women who Bill sexually harassed and assaulted.

Those leftists are also the ones who declare that women who feel being forced to compete against men pretending to be women in sporting events are monsters.  It seems odd to say that some joking sexist comments are grounds for exile but declaring that biological women will no longer be allowed to win women's sporting events is a positive good.

Fortunately Tucker is doing what Trump does. He's refusing to accept the #FakeNews media narrative that isn't based on facts or moral principles but on the Democrats will to power.  The fact that the Democrat Lt Governor of Virginia has been accused of rape by two women has been basically ignored by the #FakeNews media even as they demand that Tucker's life be destroyed for having uttered sexist comments a decade ago shows us that their motive isn't concern for women but concern for Democrats getting power.

By silencing Tucker the Left gets closer to it's nirvana where the only voice Americans hear is the Democrat propaganda spewed by the #FakeNews media.

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