Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Democrats love Venezuela where Drs refuse to treat people who didn't support the government

All those Democrat socialists are avoiding condemning, or even supporting, the failed tyrannical reign of socialists in Venezuela.

One technique used by the fascist regime to get votes is to have Drs. go through poor neighborhoods and tell the people that unless they vote for the dictator they will no longer get any medical services for themselves or their children.

Another is simply denying life saving medical care to people who oppose the dictator.

In light of that the Democrats push to have the government, i.e. Democrat bureaucrats, have complete control over our health care, i.e. Medicare for All, takes on a more chilling note.  Is it really unlikely that Democrats wouldn't use their control over our health care to force us to do what they want?

After all they've already forced us to not use plastic bags and plastic straws and they're working hard to restrict how much soda we can drink.  Ocasio-Cortez has called for an end to our ability to eat beef and Booker is extolling the virtues of being a vegetarian.

In England people who live what are called unhealthy life styles by the government, such as being over weight, are denied medical care while others who live much worse lifestyles--massively promiscuous gays--are not.

We know that Medicare for All will pay for plastic surgery so that men can pretend to be women but it will probably not pay for care for a handicapped new born.

The sole objective of the Democrat party in America today is to acquire complete power over we the people and to convert us into serfs who do their bidding.  They believe that end justifies any means and they will not hesitate to follow in their hero, Maduro the dictator of Venezuela, and use government controlled health insurance to force us to our knees.

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