Saturday, March 9, 2019

Who's dividing America?

It you listen to the #FakeNews media and Democrats Trump is dividing this country.

Oddly if you listen to Trump he in fact talks about uniting America.  What Democrats call divisive in Trump's comments and actions isn't about dividing Americans.

According to Democrats Trump saying we shouldn't let anyone who can waltz across the border have welfare for life and take jobs away from Black Americans is divisive.

Similarly when Trump wanted to temporarily halt immigration from a few countries that didn't have functioning governments Democrats told us that he was being divisive.

When Trump says all people should have the right to live their faith Democrats say that's divisive because it allows Christian bakers to not bake cakes for gay "weddings".

But if you listen to Democrats it's all about dividing us.

Every hate crime hoax that comes along has every #FakeNews media and Democrat politician declaring that whites hate Black people; unless of course the "victim" was a Muslim in which case the same folks declare that white people hate all Muslims.

For years Democrats have been telling Blacks that cops, even Black cops, want to kill them for no reason at all.

Democrats are constantly telling people that contrary to the facts Trump's tax cut didn't help them and that it only helped the 1%.  Have you ever noticed that all the overpaid #FakeNews folk and Democrat politicians who are saying this are a lot wealthier than we the people, that many of them are the 1%?  But Democrats want to use envy to drive a wedge between Americans based on how much money they have.

Democrats are telling us that there are innumerable genders and that anyone who disagrees with the LGBTQ agenda is an evil hater; but according to the #FakeNews media that's not divisive.

The simple reality is that it's the Democrats who are constantly trying to divide America into warring factions so that Democrats can get more power over our lives.

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