Sunday, March 10, 2019

AOC doesn't learn from Omar; attacks FDR as racist

Next to Obama the highest deity in the Democrat pantheon is FDR. The first Mussolini admiring Democrat who started America on the path to big government and neo-fascism.

Despite the fact that her BFF Ilhan Omar was attacked by the usually docile Democrat supporting #FakeNews media for her attack on Obama AOC has declared that FDR's New Deal is racist.

Not only is AOC attacking a figure that Democrats constantly hold up as the best possible President but she's claiming that the Democrats biggest talking point prior to LBJ's Great Society was racist.

The attack on FDR is odd in that pointing out that Democrats in the past were racists is something that conservatives usually do.  After all when we point out that it was Democrats who fought the Civil War to keep slavery, Democrats who founded the KKK, Democrats who passed all the Jim Crow laws, Democrats who opposed the 14th Amendment, and Democrats who kept the military and public schools segregated leftists like AOC usually say that those Democrats became Republicans. But it's unlikely that the Democrats are willing to declare that FDR was secretly a Republican.

What's even more odd is AOC declaring that the New Deal was racist given that she has just launched a Green New Deal.  Was her comment about FDR's New Deal her way of signaling that she realizes that her Green New Deal is for rich white yuppies who wear man buns and that it will hurt minorities?

Does anyone who isn't a racist name a massive new program after a previous program that they declare is racist? Can you imagine a Jew proposing a way to end poverty and calling it "The Final Solution for Poverty"?

What we're seeing in AOC is the complete triumph of discontinuous emotionalism over reason and facts.

AOC was comfortable declaring the New Deal was racist because she lives in the moment where all that matters is feelings and in that moment she was feeling good because she was dissing racism.  It never even crossed her mind to think about the consequences of her statement on the Democrat brand or on her own proposal.  Further she felt comfortable labeling the New Deal as racist because to her facts are irrelevant; she feels that the New Deal is racist therefore it is.

After all she's told us she's the Boss so facts don't matter; like her fascist predecessors she believes that she can will her truth into The Truth.

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