Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Democrat Ilhan Omar antisemite and hater

We all know that Omar hates Jews; that's why she talks about Jews hypnotizing the world and rich Jews bribing American politicians to support Israel.

Now we know she's a general hater.

One of the oldest forms of racist hatred is to declare that this or that person isn't human.  It's how slave holders talked about slaves and how Hitler talked about Jews. Sure they look somewhat human but they're really not is a common trope used by the most monstrous among us.

Well Ilhan Omar has now joined that club.  In attempting to get out of the hole she dug for herself by condemning Obama she said that it's silly to compare Obama and Trump because:

"One is human. The other is really not."

That's right Omar has declared that the President of the United States, the guy we the people elected, isn't really human.  That is actually less severe than it could have been. Given Omar's view on Jews it would have been worse, in her mind, if she'd called him Jewish.

The amazing thing of course is that the #FakeNews media and the Democrats won't punish her for this vile display of hatred.  We all know that if any Republican declared that Omar wasn't human the #FakeNews media would be calling for them to be instantly removed from office but since Omar is a good American hating left wing radical she is above the standards that apply to conservatives.

Keep this in mind next time Democrats tell us how kind and compassionate they are.

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