Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Christchurch shooting shows why gun control is bad

The Christchurch shooting actually consists of two separate incidents; one at the Linwood mosque where 7 people were killed and another at the Al Noor mosque where 41 died.

Why the huge difference in casualties? At the Linwood mosque someone ran home got his gun and started shooting at the murderer who then fled the scene.

This highlights a reality that the Democrat gun grabbers refuse to admit to; unless all the bad people in the world can be denied guns or unless police can respond to any shooting incident within seconds of the incident starting keeping honest people from having guns just makes them targets.

Chicago has insanely stringent gun control laws but criminals in Chicago have no problem getting guns. The Democrats say that's because they can go elsewhere to get guns which is clearly a bad argument because if it's the availability of guns that's the problem why aren't there shootings in the places without gun control; if gun control reduces crime why is the crime rate in Chicago far higher than in the neighboring areas that don't have gun control?

The other problem with the Democrat argument is that heroin isn't legal anywhere but criminals get their hands on it. Does anyone really think that if Democrats succeed in disarming we the people that criminals won't still be able to get guns?

But over and over we see that when a mass shooter is confronted with someone shooting back the body count drops dramatically.

Studies have shown that increased legal gun ownership leads to reduced crime which makes sense; criminals are less likely to prey on people if they, the criminal, is likely to get shot. Crooks are lazy not stupid.  If you doubt that note that in England it's not uncommon for houses to be broken into while the residents are home. That's because young athletic thugs know that gunless homeowners, especially if they're older, are no threat.  In the US however thieves generally only break into empty houses precisely because they know that there is a small but significant risk that they'll get shot.

The big lesson that Christchurch teaches us is that the best way to protect people from mass shooting is to ensure that a significant fraction of we the people have guns to drive off the mass shooters in the world.

But Democrats hate that idea because they want us dependent on the government and they oppose us being able to take care of ourselves. Because if we are independent then they can't control us which is what they want most in the world to do.

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