Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Christchurch shooter isn't a conservative he's a leftist

While the #FakeNews media is trying to pin the blame for the horrific shootings in New Zealand on Trump--and Chelsea Clinton-- they're also lying about the political beliefs of the shooter.

In the shooter's manifesto he twice declares that he's not a conservative:

Q: “‘Were/are you a conservative?’”
A: “No, conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”


Now the shooter does say he's an eco-fascists but fascists are left wing not conservatives.  

Modern conservatives in America and elsewhere are for small government, individual liberty, and capitalism.  Fascists on the other hand are for large government which has control over all aspects of peoples lives; hence fascism is leftist like socialism and communism.

Ocasio-Cortez is an eco-fascist. She wants to force people to not fly planes, not eat beef, and she believes that the government should have the power to impose those rules on the people.

Further the shooter says that of all the countries in the world the one that is closest to his ideology is the very leftist China where people have no liberty and government controls everything.  Oh and yes it is true that China is engaging in a massive war against Islam with more than 1,000,000 Muslims in prison camps being "reeducated".

This is one of the cases where the left's dishonest portrayal of fascists as being conservatives is very damaging. Due to deliberately misleading education in public schools most Americans think that the Nazi's were the political opposite of Communists when in fact they were blood brothers.

Both groups believe in large governments
Both groups believe that the government has the power to control every aspect of a citizens life
Both groups have rich elites ruling over the people
Both groups deny religious liberty
Both groups deny the people any power
Both groups tend to be imperialistic
Both groups tend to be racist
Both groups tend to hate gays

A real political spectrum is one that runs from no government--anarchists-- to an all powerful government--communists.  In that spectrum modern American conservatives are moderates and people like AOC and the shooter are far to the left.  Now AOC only supports killing unborn and recently born babies but still that means she's cool with the execution of 60,000,000 scientifically human beings since 1973.  And of course the shooter clearly demonstrated his fascist belief that people should be killed just because of their faith.

The dishonesty of the left on this issue can be seen by the fact that Chelsea Clinton was attacked as being an "Islamaphobe" because she called out Democrat Omar for her vile antisemitic statements--such as that Jews "hypnotize" the world.  

When you hear Islamaphobia in todays world it means daring to point out that a significant fraction of Muslims around the world believe that they have the god given right to kill any non-Muslim.  In America, and many countries, the majority of Muslims are great people but it's not Islamaphobia to point out that in Pakistan if you decide to leave Islam you will be executed.

The fact that the Muslims shot in New Zealand were innocent doesn't mean that Islam isn't a religion of violence and aggression nor does it excuse the fact that Mohammad "married" a 6 year old girl.

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