Wednesday, March 20, 2019

For Democrats there is no history there is only now

The very same leftists who condemned John McCain and poo pooed his military record when he was running against Obama are now declaring that Trump is the epitome of evil because he is angry at McCain for selling out conservatives by voting to retain Obamacare.

This is one more example of the fact that the left's position on any issue is only good at the current instant; they will change what they say in an instant if it will help them get power.

To the left one's beliefs are merely tools to achieve power and what one believed yesterday is irrelevant. That's why when Obama flopped from opposing the redefinition of marriage to supporting it it was as though nothing happened; it was as though he'd always been for it.  For someone to point out that the left believed one thing yesterday, it's great for a president to use national emergencies, and the opposite today, it's crime against the Constitution for a president to use national emergencies, is just "whataboutism".

When it's all about power, which is where the left is today, truth and continuity are irrelevant.

As for McCain the reality is that while McCain was a war hero he let his country down as a politician by being far too leftist.

Sure Trump shouldn't be attacking McCain as a person, as opposed to his policies, yet for leftists who regularly declare that Trump is literally Hitler to condemn Trump for personal attacks is absurd.

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