Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Why the #FakeNews media is the #FakeNews media

NYU just hired a "journalist" whose claim to fame is having been fired from the New Yorker for declaring that an amputee veteran was a Nazi because she confused his military tattoo with some Nazi symbol.

The first example of why the #FakeNews media is fake is that instead of being toxic she was immediately hired by Media Matters.

But of course she's a natural for the #FakeNews media since she writes things like this:

"The truth of the matter is that anyone who willingly declares themselves [sic] a Republican is aligning themselves [sic] with an administration whose official policy is to torment minorities, to empty the public purse both for private gain and for sheer cruel parsimony, to strip away healthcare from the afflicted and to comfort the wealthy."

Now she's going to be indoctrinating the next generation of reporters into the ways of the #FakeNews media where the only truth is whatever helps Democrats win.

With teachers like that it's no wonder that most modern "journalists" are nothing but paid shills for the Democrat party.

The value of a free press is that it tells the people what they need to know to vote correctly.  There is room for a difference of opinion but there is no room for outright lies or horrendously vicious unverified attacks.

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