Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tucker, Kimmel, and the Big Lie that Democrats care about women.

A Soros funded left wing #FakeNews site, Media Matters, is demanding that companies don't advertise on Tucker Carlson's TV show because Tucker made sexist jokes 10 years ago when he worked for MSNBC.

The first bit of evidence for the hypocrisy of the left over this is that when Tucker was a part of the #FakeNews media, he worked at MSNBC, no one in the #FakeNews media attacked him for his comments. Only now that Tucker is at Fox News do his actions become objectionable.

That shows there are two standards, one for leftists and one for everyone else, which wouldn't be the case if the left actually wasn't sexist.  Republican Steve King was quoted out of context to make it appear that he supported white nationalists and in a flash Republicans condemned him.  Unlike Democrats Republicans don't have two standards.

The second way we can see the #FakeNews media's hypocrisy is that Media Matters is not demanding that companies stop advertising on Jimmy Kimmel's TV show despite the fact that not only did Kimmel make very sexist comments when appeared on the "The Man Show" he also appeared in blackface.

What's truly amazing is that the same people who declared that Bill Clinton lying under oath to avoid losing a #MeToo lawsuit because he'd sexually harassed a subordinate had no impact on his ability to be President are now saying that because Tucker said some sexist things, in a joking manner, a decade ago he shouldn't be allowed to be on TV.

Further note that Media Matters, and the #FakeNews media, haven't called on advertisers to not advertise on Jussie Smollett's show even after Smollett destroyed the credibility of real hate crimes by faking a hate crime against himself in order to get a pay raise.

The objective of Media Matters and the rest of the #FakeNews media is to silence all competing voices because they know that people will support leftist policies if and only if they don't know about any other options.

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