Friday, March 29, 2019

The SPLC declared that Antifa wasn't a hate group but that FAIR was

The SPLC explained in it's FAQ that it doesn't cover left wing ideologically motivated hate because that's not the sort of hate they care about.

Well now it turns out that the SPLC mislead people who donated to it, discriminated against women, and discriminated against minorities.

This wouldn't really matter except the #FakeNews media and the internet giants use the SPLC to define which groups are hate groups and which aren't.

The SPLC said Antifa, which advocates violence against people who disagree with their politics, isn't a hate group but groups that oppose redefining marriage which point out things gays don't want to talk about, like how gay "marriages" are rarely monogamous, are hate groups.

The basic rule seems to be that left wing groups are rarely if ever classified as hate groups while right wing groups are often categorized as hate groups.

Given the amazing hypocrisy of the left--Trump's consensual affairs mean he can't be President but Clinton's being accuse of rape doesn't have any bearing on his suitability to be President--it's not surprising that the SPLC's lily white leadership talked the talk of the modern left but didn't walk the walk.

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