Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Socialists stick together; Russian troops in Venezuela edition

Democrats are being silent about Cuban and Russian troops who are in Venezuela propping up the socialist dictator.

The Cuban and Russian fascists are using the playbook that has enabled the dictator of Syria, Assad, to crush the popular revolt that resulted from the Arab Spring. It's taken years and hundreds of thousands of dead Syrians but bolstered by Iran and Russia the butcher of Aleppo will probably be able to hang on.

In Venezuela the people are starving and the Democrats are adamant that the US shouldn't intervene but those same Democrats are silent about the fact that Russia is sending troops that the Maduro, the dictator, personal guards are all Cubans.

It appears that the Democrats, who are now championing socialism, are more loyal to their fellow socialists in Venezuela, Cuba, and Russia than they are to either America or the starving people of Venezuela.

But then that's the ugly truth about socialism.  It's not about economic equality it's about stealing the wealth of working men and women and giving it to the elites.

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