Thursday, March 14, 2019

Democrats support killing new born babies but not serial killers

No matter what your opinion is on the death penalty the actions by Democrat Newsom in California are problematic.

First the people of California recently had the option via a ballot initiative to end the death penalty and they voted to keep it.  So Newsom is saying that what the people want is of no interest to him.  This echo's Democrats Jerry Brown and Kamala Harris refusing to defend the people's vote on Prop 8 which rejected the redefinition of marriage.

What this tells us is that Democrats only care about what the people want when the people want what Democrats want.

Democrats don't view themselves as public servants but as our rulers.

Second at the very same time that Democrats are telling us that abortion is good, not something to keep safe and rare, and that Democrats are supporting infanticide they're declaring that the most heinous criminals should not be executed.

Apparently Democrats only believe in the death penalty for the innocent.

Newsom could have stayed executions and called for another ballot initiative but caring about what the people want isn't something that's in his wheelhouse.

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