Sunday, March 24, 2019

Democrats use Soviet style justice

In America when the police get evidence of a crime they investigate it.

In the Soviet Union the government investigated anyone it didn't like until if found, or manufactured, a crime they committed.

The basic injustice and tyrannical nature of the Soviet approach is obvious; the "justice" system is used to attack enemies of the state while the agents of the state are able to ignore the law safe in the knowledge that they will not be prosecuted for their crimes.

Along with embracing socialism, rejecting the 1st and 2nd Amendments, modern Democrats are also using Soviet style justice.

The hyper partisan New York State attorney general has declared that they will investigate every aspect of Trump's life.  They have no evidence of any crime but they have a burning desire to undo the 2016 election and punish Trump for having the audacity to win against one of America's ruling class.

How many Democrat politicians could survive if instead of following the American model of justice Republicans used the Soviet one?  Does anyone think that a no holds barred investigation by multiple authorities of the Clintons would come up empty?  Heck Ocasio-Cortez has only been in office a few months and we already have evidence of financial shenanigans in her campaign, not to mention her failure to pay her taxes.

It's time to call a halt to these illegal activities by Democrats.  If they have evidence that Trump has committed some crime by all means investigate him but it's unAmerican to simply pick a political opponent and turn the full power of the state with it's limitless resources against him.

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