Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump signs a peace deal with the Taliban; Democrats will complain

Trump signed a deal to get out of Afghanistan which requires the Taliban to end terrorism.

Odds are the same Democrats who critiqued Bush and Trump for their actions in Afghanistan will condemn this too.

While there are reasons to be doubtful about the long term probability of the Taliban not trying to take over the country are small the US has shown that we can prevent terrorism even when we don't control the countries the terrorists are based in.

Witness our taking out bin Laden in Pakistan.

Hence it makes sense to end our 19 year war in Afghanistan and let the Afghani's return to what they do best; kill each other.

Afghanistan is an uncivilizable country populated by primitive warring tribes whose only loyalty is to their kinsmen not to the "country" of Afghanistan.

To keep spending US dollars and losing US lives over there makes no sense.

But Obama couldn't see that and didn't manage to extract us.

People should be applauding Trump doing that but of course given that if Trump himself discovered a cure for cornoavirus the #FakeNews media and Democrat politicians would say it was a bad thing it'll be no surprise when they dump on Trump about ending our "never ending" war in Afghanistan.

Bernie Sanders isn't a Denmark like socialist

In the past Denmark and other northern European countries like Sweden tried a socialist model like the one that Bernie is espousing.

It was an unmitigated disaster.  From 1970 to 1995 the Swedish economy didn't generate a single private sector job.

As a result countries abandoned what Bernie wants and became more like what Trump wants.

For example Sweden has twice as many billionaires per capita as the US does.

Did you know that in Denmark the top 10% pay 26% of all taxes, in Sweden it's 27%?

That's very Trumpian and very much not what Bernie wants since today in the US, where Bernie wants to raise taxes on the rich, the top 10% pay 45% of all the taxes.

To make America like Denmark, as Bernie says he does, Bernie would have to lower the tax rate on the rich.

Don't see that happening.

The reality is that Bernie is a socialist in the mold of Venezuela, Cuba, and the Soviet Union. He wants you to work hard so he's got money to spend on himself, you do know that Bernie is in the 1% right?, and on his supporters.

Like most leftist Bernie eschews giving his own money to help the poor. In 2016 Bernie made $1,062,626 and contributed $10,600 to charity.  The average American who made more than $250,000 that year gave $21,365 to charity.

So Bernie who wants Black plumbers to pay for free gender studies degrees for rich white kids gave far less of his own money to those in need than the average American.

But that's understandable; he needed the money in 2016 to buy his third home, a $575,000 lakefront home in Vermont.

Since then his charitable giving has gone up to a maximum of 3.38% in 2018 which is still far behind what good Christians are called to give, 10%, and which seem rather low for a man who is demanding that you give him more of your money so he can help the "poor".

The COVID-19 Hoax: It's not about getting sick

The dishonest #FakeNews media ran headlines claiming that Trump said that the COVID-19 virus was a hoax.

That's a lie.

What Trump said was the Democrats attack on him which blames him for a disease that started in China is a hoax.

Here's what Trump said about this story:

“Let’s get this right: A virus starts in China, makes its way into various countries all around the world, doesn’t spread widely at all in the United States because of the early actions that myself and my administration took against a lot of other wishes. And the Democrats’ single talking point and you see it is that it’s Donald Trump’s fault,”

This big lie is just like the one about Trump supposedly saying white nationalists and Nazis were "fine people".  Trump said that the peaceful folks who came to protest for and against the statues in Charlottesville were good people and the violent folks, Nazi's and Antifa, were bad.

But the #FakeNews media, and Democrat politicians, to this day keep lying about it.

Nothing bad the #FakeNews media says about Trump can be trusted.  Nothing.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Democrats in the House voted to kill born alive babies

Through a bit of procedural trickery the Republicans in the Housed forced a vote on a bill that would require medical attention for babies that were born alive after an abortion attempt.

These are fully born viable babies not insanely premature babies who have no chance to live.

Yet the Democrats in the Senate, and now in the House, are on record as saying that those healthy young babies can be killed by throwing them in a bucket and waiting for them to die.

That's abortion extremism.

Joe Biden, whose son got millions from China, says that China isn't our competitor

With China's military expanding rapidly, including hypersonic weapons and anti-satellite systems, and with China declaring it owns the entire South China sea, extending its waters by 100s of miles, Joe Biden tells us that they're not our competitor.

While he seems to be saying they're not our economic competitor, which itself is dubious, his saying that they're good people seems to imply that they're not our military competitor either.

He correctly lists the problems that the Chinese are facing but then he goes on to say:

“They’re not bad folks, folks… They’re not competition for us,”

That's really odd given that he'd listed among the problems facing China the situation in Hong Kong and the fact that the Chinese have 2 million Uyghurs in concentration camps.

How can a tyrannical regime, that is failing at containing the coronavirus, not be bad folks?

Is this sort of perspective what we want in a President?

Is this a result of the Chinese government funneling millions of dollars towards Joe's son Biden?

There are mass shootings and there are mass shootings

Democrats constantly scream about how conservatives are going around shooting up the country but when a Black man who was a probable fan of Elizabeth Warren goes on a shooting spree we hear nothing.

This is more evidence that Democrats real concern is getting more power and that the strategy they follow is to demonize their opponents.  Since Democrats depend on Black votes they can't critique them.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Truth about Cornoavirus/Wuhan Virus/COVID-19; it's like the flu

You may have heard the dire warning issued by the CDC about the virus that communist China is having problems containing.

Dr. Nancy Messonnier said that "disruption to everyday life may be severe".

Oddly the good Dr. is sister to Rod Rosenstein who clearly wants to topple Trump.

By driving down the stock market Messonnier was being a good Democrat trooper.

The good news is that while she may be right about the virus hitting the US in a general way to date lethality numbers seem to indicate that the death toll will be closer to what that we get every year from the flu than to what we'd expect with a new version of the plague.

That's not good and that's why Trump is taking serious measures to stop that from happening but it's also not going to destroy the country, produce zombies, or seriously disrupt daily life for most Americans.

We need to take steps to prepare America for this virus and people of good will can argue about exactly how much money we should spend on that but we shouldn't let Democrats scare us into voting for them.

Similarly of what benefit are extreme statements to the country?

Historically leaders who care about we the people have striven to be honest while making sure that we know that we will make it through this.

Remember FDR?  He didn't sugarcoat the risks associated with the WWII but he also said that the only thing we should fear is fear itself.

Messonnier's statement didn't follow that guideline but rather was probably designed to stoke up fear and thereby give Democrats a way to attack Trump.

Democrat Governor Cuomo hates the people of New York: Natural gas edition

New York state needs more natural gas to keep homes warm in the winter.

Everyone wants natural gas because not only is it more convenient than heating oil burning it releases less pollution and less CO2.

Yet Cuomo is doing everything he can to hurt New Yorkers by stopping a new pipeline that would bring more natural gas, and hence less pollution and less CO2, to New York.

Meanwhile Cuomo is demanding that the companies that supply natural gas continue to hook up new houses even though those companies know that in the middle of winter there won't be enough natural gas and people will go without heat.

It's all political grandstanding.

Cuomo won't go cold this winter and neither will his fat cat backers.  But average New Yorkers will.

Cuomo is probably counting on the #FakeNews media protecting him by saying that he said that people should have natural gas and it's the evil profiteering gas companies that are responsible for people going without heat.

Clearly if Cuomo cared about the people he'd let the new natural gas pipeline be built.

That he's not shows that he's more concerned about leftist virtue signaling than he is about his constituents not freezing in the winter.

Washington Post declares that it's against high wages for workers

In an editorial the WaPo said that a tight labor market is helping workers; especially those who tend to be marginalized:

“The tight labor market is pushing up wages for some workers and has provided opportunities to teenagers, students, ex-convicts, long-term unemployed, the disabled and others for whom the barriers to employment once looked daunting,”

But then it goes on to say that America should import lots of foreigners to make life easier for the people who run big companies by driving down wages.

Employers have raised the alarm about acute shortages of skilled and unskilled labor up and down the wage scale — construction workers; maintenance and repair workers; truckers; firefighters; furniture-makers; nurses; home health aides; farm workers.

when dozens of industries warn that worker shortages are constraining growth and investment … It makes sense to recalibrate immigration policy to meet the labor market’s future demands, including by admitting more high-skilled workers.

This apparent contradiction between the leftist WaPo's alleged concern for all those who are benefiting from limiting immigration and the desires of the 1%  to make more money isn't surprising.

Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, owns the WaPo and he's calling for the government to let him bring in more cheap foreign labor so he can make even more money.

We currently import about 1,000,000 foreigners a year to drive down US wages and keep Americans unemployed and on welfare.  But that's not enough for the 1%ers who think that they're paying hard working Americans too much.

Katrina redux; the big #FakeNews media lie about cornavirus

When hurricane Katrina hit the local Democrats response was slow and ineffective.  On the other hand Bush's Federal government's response was the biggest and quickest in history.

But since the #FakeNews media lied constantly about it it was a huge negative for Bush.

It looks like Democrats and the #FakeNews media are already repeating their Katrina game plan with the cornavirus.

First they're blaming Trump for communist China's bungling of the response to the virus.  As with China's massive CO2 increases, its filling the oceans with plastic, and its imperialistic attempt to claim the entire South China sea Democrats ignore all the bad things that China does and only attack Trump who they view as their real enemy.

It's no accident that Bernie Sanders is extolling the wonders of China. He like most Democrats, including Obama who wished he could run the US the way the Chinese dictators rule China, like China more than they like the US.  

After all Democrats believe that they should rule us not represent us.  From telling us what our religions should teach to telling us how much soda/pop we should drink Democrat politicians make it clear that they know that we're too stupid to run our own lives.

That's why despite the coronavirus not having actually hit the US and Trump having taken steps to see that it doesn't, which may be impossible given China's inability to contain it, Democrats and the #FakeNews media are attacking Trump.

If any of the Democrats who are running for president were president odds are less would have been done.  After all they would be much less likely to cut off travel since they're great fans of open borders.

In any case clearly Democrats don't view coronavirus as a threat but as an opportunity.  They're already rejoicing over the stock market losses since Americans suffering helps them get reelected.

If the new virus hits America in a big way Democrats won't come together with Republicans to address the crisis as a team. Rather Democrats will attack Trump and try and get votes.

Meanwhile if America does hit the US California, the Democrat run state, will be at highest risk because of its huge population of poor and homeless people--California has at least 3 times as many poor and homeless per capita as the rest of America.  

Similarly California's staunch protection of illegal aliens will increase the chances that cornavirus will start there; brought in by someone who entered the country illegally and bypassed any checks for the virus that Trump puts in place at our borders.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Bernie Sanders says trading freedom for literacy is good but the truth is freedom brings literacy

In his unending praise of the Communist tyrannies in Cuba and China Bernie Sanders points to the "good" things they've done.

In Cuba he talks about how the Communists taught people how to read and write and in China he points to how the Communists allegedly pulled people up out of poverty.

Aside from the fact that because they are tyrannies we can't be sure that Cuba and China are lying the simple fact is that freedom produces a lot more wealth and literacy than socialism or Communism.

For example the Chinese tyrants reduced poverty in China by abandoning socialism and embracing capitalism.  By allowing the average Chinese person to be economically free--but not intellectually free-- the Chinese tyrants bought the loyalty of the people.

It wasn't socialism or communism that improved the economic lot of the Chinese people it was capitalism; the system that Bernie hates.

As for literacy the US and other free countries do a fine job of teaching kids to read and write; so long as the leftists don't force kids to spend more time learning lies like a man can become a woman.

But even if we ignore the fact that tyranny isn't the best way to fight poverty or ensure that our kids are well educated it's a horrible thing to say that people should be glad to trade their freedom for money.

Bernie is saying that the fact that tyrannies provide money means that that losing one's freedom for more money is a good deal.

Of course Bernie doesn't believe this.  Put him in a country that bans abortion, he's for abortion even after birth, requires everyone to own a gun, and says that people have to go to church on Sundays or synagogues on Saturdays and he would never say that it was worth it because he's making more money.

He is basically saying that in return for stealing our freedoms he'll give us "free" stuff that in fact we and our children will actually pay for.

Democrats hate minorities: Harvard admission edition

It turns out that a DOJ investigation into racist admission policies at Harvard has determined that 45% of the Blacks and Latinos who have been admitted were admitted because of their race.

This doesn't mean that those candidates are stupid just that they belong in a a good school, like say NorthWestern, not one of the most competitive schools in the country.

This sort of policy is racist on many levels.

First as Thomas Sowell, who's Black, has pointed out admitting anyone, including minorities, to a college that's too hard for them will result in them having a higher probability of flunking out which is a horrible experience.  A Black student who would have been top of his class in some regular college flunking out of Harvard will suffer a lot more than if he'd just gone to the regular college in the first place.

Second whites and Asians who should have been admitted are discriminated against solely based on the color of their skin which is the definition of racism.

Third unless the 45% all flunk out that means that when a company is looking to hire a minority graduate from Harvard they won't know if the person actually is as good as a Harvard graduate should be or if they got the degree for the same reason they got admitted; the color of their skin.

This is amazingly unfair to the 55% of minority students at Harvard who belonged there.

But none of this matters to the white leftists who set up this racist scheme.  They feel good about themselves for "caring" even though their actions hurt not help minorities.

Democrats and leftists, who run Harvard, don't care about minorities. They only care about making themselves feel good about themselves.

If they really cared about minorities they'd be working to ensure that minority students could be all they can be not simply giving those students a nearly impossible challenge because it makes the rich white folk feel good.

Democrats want to steal your children: Changing sex edition

Science tells us that it's literally impossible to change the sex of a person without changing that person's DNA.

Common sense tells us that a bit of plastic surgery and some drugs can't make a man into a woman.

But the Democrats in California are all in for denying science, common, sense, and now parental rights.

In California you have to be 21 years old to buy alcohol, weed, or a gun--what a great combination--, 16 to drive a car, and 18 to get a tattoo.

But the California Teachers Association(CTA) is saying that school kids 12 or older can change their sex without letting their parents know about it.

By allowing gender confused kids to leave class for "medical" reasons without their parents knowledge and demanding that school clinics provide support for "gender transitioning" the CTA is laying claim to your children.

Parent's make huge sacrifices for their kids; teachers don't.

Yet the teacher's union is saying that teachers, not parents, get to make life altering decisions for children.

That's because Democrats/leftists don't have as many kids because they, the adults, are too selfish.

They want you to sacrifice to raise your child and then they want to mold your child into what they think is a good Democrat/leftist.

These monsters actually believe that they're better than you and that they should be able to run every aspect of your, and your children's, life.

This is what you should expect to see nationwide if Democrats win in 2020.  After all Democrats are always telling us that disease, poverty, homeless ridden California is what America will be like if Democrats run the country.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Remembering Obama's corruption

Back in 2004 Illinois Senator Obama gave $1M to a hospital whose director was his good friend Valerie Jarret.

Jarrett had hired Michelle Obama and paid her $120k a year to make sure that low income patients were shuttled away from the hospital and to other hospitals while Jarrett's hospital got all the people who could pay their bills.

After the hospital got the $1M Michelle Obama got a bit of a raise; she went from $120k a year to $317k a year.

The hospital went on to hire David Axelrod to explain to poor people why not going to the best hospital was good for them.

The reality is that this is far from the only example of Obama's corruption but it serves to show just why Democrats whining about the emoluments clause or Trump pardoning someone is so hypocritical.

I grew up in Chicago and everyone knows that the Democrats are amazingly corrupt.

Did you know that the gangs in Chicago, the source of most of the thousands of Black on Black shootings the city suffers through, are protected because on election day they "get out the vote" for Democrats?

Democrats blame Trump for cornavirus

Trump is asking for a cut to the CDC budget; to trim waste.

He's also asking for $2.5 billion to fight coronavirus.

But Democrats are acting as thought the cut that Trump is asking for has already happened and that that is why we're facing a potential pandemic in China.

The Dow dropping due to fears about coronavirus are making Democrats giddy since it's the only chance they have of winning in November; make sure Americans suffer.

Once again what matters to Democrats isn't what's good for we the people but what's good for Democrats.

If they cared about us they'd say that of course they'll provide the $2.5B ASAP and that the world survived the 1918 flu epidemic and it will survive even the worst case coronavirus scenario so there is no need to panic.

It's fine for them to not agree to Trump's requested cut of CDC funds, funds that wouldn't have impacted the CDCs response to coronavirus by the way, but to demonize Trump for a budget decision that wouldn't have had any impact on how the Chinese government, which is rejecting our offers of help, would have handled the problem is pure politics.

Bernie Sanders says that people should be glad to give up their freedom for money

After extolling how great communist tyranny is in Cuba Bernie went on to say:

"China is another example. China is an authoritarian country, becoming more and more authoritarian. But can anyone deny — I mean, the facts are clear, that they have taken more people out of extreme poverty than any country in history.”

That sure seems to be saying that Bernie thinks the Chinese people are better off with no freedom because they have more money.

Is that the sort of mind set we want for the President of the United States?

What price does Bernie set on our freedoms?  Clearly he's ok with authoritarian, note he won't say communist, governments so long as they help the poor. It's apparently only a matter, in Bernie's mind, of deciding how much welfare is worth losing our freedom.

Further he misattributes the Chinese economic boom to tyranny. To the extent that China's economy has boomed it is because the Communist tyrants who run China adopted capitalism.

The reality is that we have good reason to believe that if China had abandoned Communism that the Chinese people would be even richer.

But that's a truth that Bernie will always deny.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Democrat Senator Feinstein coddles Putin and prioritizes buying votes over defending America

Putin loves Democrats because they don't give a darn about what he does unless it stands between them and power.

Obama let Putin run wild in return for Putin helping Obama get elected in 2012.

Now Senator Feinstein is working hard to ensure that the US military is weak compared to Putin's.

For years Russia and China have been developing hypersonic weapons.  They're very destabilizing since existing defense systems can't intercept them and they allow power projection at huge distances and lightening fast speeds.

With Russia and China deploying these long range super fast missiles the US military wants to make sure that it has equally capable systems.  If Russia or China think they have the advantage over the US that dramatically increases the chance of a war.

But that doesn't bother Feinstein who said, according to Aviation Week 2/24/2020 this about spending money developing hypersonic weapons:

"This unnecessary spending is likely to spark a new arms race with Russia and China. Simply put, these are not priorities on which we should spend taxpayer dollars--particularly at the expense of critical domestic programs--and I will do everything I can to block them."

The first thing to note is that apparently Feinstein is ok with China and Russia have more capable weapons systems than the US does.

The second thing is that how can the US start an arms race when the US doesn't have hypersonic weapons and the Russians and Chinese do?  Isn't it Russia and China who started any arms race?

The third thing is that Democrats keep telling us what a danger Putin is so why would any Democrat oppose the US achieving parity with newly developed Russian weapons?  Perhaps because Democrats know that Russia isn't a threat to their getting power, despite their lies about Russia influencing our elections, which is all that Democrats care about.

The fourth thing is that what Feinstein is saying is that she'd rather use taxpayer dollars to buy votes with Medicare for All or free college than use them to defend the United States.

Once again that makes sense since buying votes gives Democrats more power and they don't really think Russia or China are a threat; the only threat they care about is Trump.

This is one more example of why Putin loves Democrats and hates Trump.

Bernie Sanders admits he has no idea of how to pay for all the "free" stuff he's offering

Bernie Sanders is saying that if elected he's going to provide the following "free" things:

  • Free college and forgiveness of all college debt that hasn't already been paid
  • Free health care
  • "Affordable" health care
  • Minimum $60k for school teachers who work 9 months a year
  • Nation wide $15/hr minimum wage

Of interest these "freebies" would also be given to the 11 to 22 million illegal aliens in America who wouldn't be taxed to pay for them unlike Americans.

When Anderson Cooper asked Bernie how much this was going to cost Bernie could only say that Medicare for all would cost $30 trillion.

Cooper in a rare example of not fawning over Democrat candidates asked how Bernie knew he could pay for all this when he didn't even know how much it would all cost, other than Medicare for all.

Anderson Cooper: But you say you don’t know what the total price is, but you know how it’s gonna be paid for. How do you know it’s gonna be paid for if you don’t know how much the price is?

Bernie Sanders: Well, I can’t– you know, I can’t rattle off to you ever nickel and every dime. But we have accounted for– you– you talked about Medicare for All. We have options out there that will pay for it.

Essentially Bernie admitted that he has no idea of how he'll pay for everything or he was admitting that the answer was massive tax increases on the middle class, the rich alone simply don't have enough money even with a 100% tax rate.

Of course saying that massively increasing taxes on the 60% of Americans who don't go to college to allow illegal aliens to get free degrees in gender studies is something that even Bernie knows won't appeal to voters so he'll avoid saying that right up until he's in a position to impose it on we the people.

Very few Americans support being taxed to provide free health care to illegal aliens so that's another reason that Bernie can't actually say how he plans to pay for his largesse; assuming that he actually thinks that he needs to know how Americans are going to pay for all the "free" stuff he wants to give out to win votes.

Sweden's Socialist party rep says Bernie's supporters are no socialists

Johan Hassel the international secretary for Swedens ruling Social Democrats party visited Iowa before the election and had this to say about the people at a Bernie Sanders rally:

“We were at a Sanders event, and it was like being at a Left Party meeting,” he told Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet newspaper, according to one translation. “It was a mixture of very young people and old Marxists, who think they were right all along. There were no ordinary people there, simply.”

The Left party in Sweden is the communist party which, for some inexplicable reason, changed its name after the fall of the Soviet Union.

So yes an important member of Sweden's socialist party said that Bernie's supporters aren't like the people who support the "Nordic Model" that Democrats keep trying to say is like what Bernie wants.

Essentially Bernie doesn't pass the "democratic socialist" sniff test.

The WaPo reports that Trump's killing Soleimani has really hurt Iranian terrorism

Many Democrats, and a few Republicans, were all upset that Trump had Iranian terrorist mastermind Soleimani killed.

Of course Iranians who Soleimani oppressed and people all through the Middle East who he terrorized, not to mention the families of the Americans Soleimani killed, rejoiced.

We were told by those saddened that there was one less terrorist mastermind in the world that the result would be an increase in Iranian violence.  Well that didn't turn out to be true.

Now the WaPo, as left as can be, is admitting that in fact the entire Iranian terrorism mechanism, the Revolutionary Guard, is reeling because Soleimani is very hard to replace.

[A]nalysts and officials in the region say the Revolutionary Guard in fact now finds itself on the back foot, a notable change after successfully projecting its power in the Middle East over recent years. “The assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the downing of the airliner were both shocks to the Revolutionary Guard. Soleimani was a big loss for the Islamic republic, and the downing of the airliner, it blew the Guard’s entire credibility,” said Saeid Golkar, an expert on Iran’s security forces and a professor of political science at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

Given that charismatic mass killers are hard to find it's no surprise that Soleimani's replacement isn't filling his predecessors shoes very well.

[A]nalysts and officials say he lacks the ambition, charisma and strong connections of his predecessor. As a result, according to an official in the region with knowledge of the matter, the Quds Force has been significantly deterred from retaliating further against the United States, at least for now.

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, said Qaani does not yet have the power to freelance the way Soleimani did, coordinating battles and attacks across the Middle East and meeting directly with foreign leaders. The Quds Force, the official said, is suffering both emotionally and practically, and will be restrained until Qaani grows more confident and independent.

Within Iran’s security apparatus, a struggle may already be underway to clip the Quds Force’s wings. According to Golkar, the Revolutionary Guard’s secretive counterintelligence department is likely investigating the security breaches that contributed to Soleimani’s killing in Baghdad last month.

This proves that Trump, not the Democrats was right.  Killing Soleimani has directly reduced the amount of terror that Iran is exporting.

The Quds Force is the core of Iranian terrorist imperialism and any reduction in it's power means fewer Muslims, Christians, and Americans will be killed by Iran.

The fact that the Democrat Presidential candidates will all ignore this tells us that if they're elected they will return to Obama's love of Iran despite Iran's continual chants of "Death to America the Great Satan".

Democrats collude with Putin to interfere in 2020

Everyone, even Trump, agrees that Putin tried to interfere in the 2016 elections and will try again in 2020.

However as Mueller pointed out the actual effort that Putin used, even if one assumes that in fact it was Russia that leaked the DNC emails, was tiny.  The Russians spent a few hundred thousand dollars while Hillary alone spent over a billion dollars.

None the less many Americans think that our elections have been corrupted.

The reason for that is simple as stated by Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe:

“[The Russians] meddled in 2016, they are going to meddle in 2020. That’s not the issue. The issue is why Russia is being so successful in shaking American confidence in the integrity of our elections. And the reason is, it’s because Democrats keep perpetuating and accentuating and proliferating Russian propaganda for their political gain and for their political motivation against Donald Trump.”

Basically Democrat politicians and the leftists in the #FakeNews media are destroying American's confidence in our elections in order to increase the chances of Democrats getting more power over we the people.

This is one more example of how all Democrat politicians care about is power.  If they cared about you they wouldn't be trying to convince you that our elections have been subverted by the Russians when even Obama admits that the Russians didn't change a single vote that had been cast in 2016.

What's clear is that while Mueller definitively cleared Trump of colluding with Russia the reality is that Democrat politicians are effectively colluding with Putin by helping him sow discord and distrust among Americans about our elections.

Bernie Sanders has always supported tyrants

When the communists who ran the Soviet Union Bernie Sanders said that Russia was great.  That despite the gulags and the 60,000,000 innocent people that the Russian communists killed.  

In fact the ability of the Soviet tyrants to imprison dissidents and the ability of the government to take every penny that workers earned seem to have been features in Bernie's mind.

While the Soviet Union was calling for the overthrow of American democracy Bernie was cheering them on.

After Castro was revealed to be a murderous intolerant gay killing monster Bernie still loved Castro so much that he, Bernie, hated JFK for not endorsing the Castro regime.

When the mad mullahs in Iran broke international law and seized the American embassy workers Bernie backed the Imans who ran Iran not America or international law.

The simple reality is that Bernie Sanders is a tyrant himself. That's why he wants to take money from the 60% of hard working Americans, including union workers, and use it to let rich white kids get degrees in gender studies for free.

That's why he supposedly doesn't have any idea of how he'll pay for all the massive give aways he's planned.  He can't admit that his plan is to tax all of us so that while we work for our money he will get to decide how to spend it.  That's what all tyrants do.

Like tyrants Bernie hates the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

The 1st allows us to say things he doesn't like, "hate" speech, and the 2nd means that if he were to abrogate the Constitution we couldn't stop him.

As Mao, presumably another favorite of Bernie's,  said power grows from the barrel of a gun and Bernie, and his fellow Democrats, want to make sure that we the people have no power.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Democrats oppose Sanders because they know they can only win by lying

The Democrat establishment doesn't oppose what Bernie Sanders wants to do to America.

They oppose him because they know that they won't win if they tell the American people what they are planning to do.

Only by lying to us can Democrats get elected.

That's why Obama lied about his position on gay marriage and about how we wouldn't lose our doctors under Obamacare.

Bernie wants to take away the health insurance that 160,000,000 Americans like and have worked hard for and replace it with a plan where people who could work but don't want to get the same quality of care as union workers who have gone on strike for better health care for their families.

Bernie wants shorter sentences for criminals who use guns and banning honest citizens from having guns to protect themselves.

Bernie wants government bureaucrats to literally be able to make life and death decisions about what health care you get.

Bernie wants you to pay for abortions for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Bernie supports post birth abortion by denying medical care to viable little girls who survive a pregnancy.

Bernie wants to dramatically increase the amount of the money you earn that you have to give to him to spend.

Bernie holds up Venezuela as what he wants America to be.

Bernie hates JFK because JFK didn't like the terrorist Communist regime in Cuba.

Bernie supported Iran when Iran seized American embassy personnel and held them hostage.

Bernie views the oppressive mass murdering Soviet Union as the model for what a country should be like.

The dilemma that the Democrat face is that we the people don't, in general, like any of these things.

That's why historically Democrats have lied about what they really stand for; especially in Presidential races.

The reality is that Democrats would be thrilled to help President Bernie steal Amerian's money and freedoms.

But since power not principles is what motivates Democrat politicians they want a candidate who will lie to we the people not Bernie Sanders.

Only a leftist would believe that Putin likes Trump more than Bernie Sanders

Historically Democrats have been very soft on Russia since LBJ.

Even during the Cold War when Russia was trying to conquer the world and openly declared it's desire to destroy America Ted Kennedy asked the Russians to help him get elected President in return for him being nice to them.

Similarly during the  Cold War the Ivy League leftists who man the CIA kept saying that Russia was doing fine.  Most Democrats thought that the threat to the world wasn't the tyrant ruling the Russian police state but Ronald Reagan.

Today Democrats view Trump as the problem vis a vis world piece and they tyrant who runs China as a great guy.  While Democrats say that they don't like Russia contrasting the actions of Obama and Trump vis a vis Russia shows that Putin's best buds have always been Democrats.


  • Made a deal to let Iran, Putin's ally, develop nuclear weapons
  • Let Russia take over in Syria
  • Reset US relations by ignoring Putin's imperialism in Georgia; the country
  • Asked Putin to help him get elected and when elected canceled a missile defense program Putin didn't like
  • Refused to provide lethal aid, weapons, to Ukraine to resist Putin's invasion
  • Let the American military get weak
  • Let America stay dependent on foreign energy sources


  • Got NATO to significantly increase defense spending
  • Provided weapons to Ukraine
  • Got Germany to not make a huge natural gas deal with Russia
  • Increased sanctions on Russia
  • Took action against Iran, Putin's ally
  • Strengthened the US military
  • Increased American energy independence

Given that Bernie Sanders honeymooned in Moscow when Russia was calling for the destruction of the US and the fact that Bernie hates JFK because JFK didn't like Castro it's pretty clear that Bernie is going to be more like Obama than Trump.

While Jake Tapper has revealed that the whole supposed story about Putin helping Trump is bogus we do know that Russia is helping Bernie.  But Democrat Swalwell says we shouldn't be upset when Putin helps Bernie only when Putin helps Trump which is the Democrat position in a nutshell.

Anything that will get the Democrats more power is good no matter how much it hurts we the people.

Justice Sotomayor declares her bias

In a dissent to a perfectly reasonable Supreme Court ruling Justice Sotomayor, a dishonest judge, declared that it's wrong for the Supreme Court to follow the law when lots of lower Federal Judges aren't.

Dishonest Federal Judges have been waging a war against Trump. They've been imposing national bans on pretty much anything he tries to do. They are consistently overturned by the Supreme Court because their reasoning is unconstitutional.

For example one judge said that an executive order that was unconstitutional because Trump wrote it would have been constitutional if Hillary wrote it.

Other rulings have gone against the clear and obvious constitutional statement that the President has nearly unrestricted power vis a vis deciding who can and can't enter the country.

Sotomayor who will consistently vote with what ever leftists are thinking irrespective of what the Constitution says is upset because the Court has been slapping down these insane rulings by lower court judges.

She says that this shows that the honest judges are biased towards Trump.

That's true only in the sense that since Trump is making constitutionally correct claims the honest judges are agreeing with him rather than replacing the Constitution with what they think the Constitution should say; something that Sotomayor clearly likes.

What Sotomayor is showing isn't any bias by the honest judges but that she herself is biased and views herself as an unelected ruler whose job is to ensure that we the people have no say in the laws that govern us.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Bloomberg's got an odd idea of us flyover folk

Bloomberg paid good money to put up billboards in Phoenix and Las Vegas that "attacked" Trump.

Here's one of them:

Only a totally out of touch coastal radical is going to think that real Americans give a darn how Trump likes his steaks.

We care about important things like all the NDA's that the women who Bloomberg has sexually harassed have signed or about how he's trying to use his money to buy the White House.

But it's not surprising that billionaire Bloomberg hires people who are as out of touch with we the people as he is.

Nunes is standing up to the #FakeNews media: He's suing the WaPo

The WaPo wrote a story saying that Nunes, who is hispanic, went to the White House and told the President "really bad things" and said that Trump should fire Maguire.

The only problem is that Nunes did no such thing.

So since the WaPo doesn't care about truth Nunes is doing the only thing he can do; he's suing the WaPo for lying about him.

This isn't the first time that the #FakeNews media used this lie about Nunes. Three years ago Nunes was accused of "sneaking" into the White House.

The truth is simple; the WaPo is nothing more than a big lying propaganda machine that will say anything if it hurts Trump and hide anything if it hurts Democrats.

Russian Collusion 2.0 collapses in a day

The big story yesterday morning was that according to leaks from the House, probably Adam Schiff, the Intelligence Community(IC) was saying that Russia was already interfering in the 2020 election for Trump.

The anonymous leakers also said that Trump was trying to cover it up.

As usual the NYT and WaPo stories didn't name their sources and we all no that in the past many stories based on anonymous sources "in the know" have turned out to be false.

Allegedly Trump was upset about this being reported.  Within hours we see that his concern was right.

Despite the fact that the IC did not say that Trump or anyone who works with him were involved Democrats like Nancy Pelosi were howling that this was horrible; Laurence Tribe even called it treason.

But this particular scandal was debunked much quicker than usual.

First it came out that even leftist #FakeNews media folks were saying that the IC had no actual intelligence, like NSA intercepts, to support their conclusion; if in fact that was their conclusion.

When Jake Tapper, who hates Trump with a passion, is saying that it's all bogus we can be pretty sure that it's all bogus.

The most troubling part, that Trump allegedly wanted to quash this report, turns out to be that Trump was upset that the IC didn't tell him first.

Which is a valid concern since one would think that the President should be the first one to be told about possible election interference. But clearly a politically biased IC would like to keep Trump in the dark.  Not because they think he's colluding with Russia--Mueller showed that that dog don't hunt--but because telling Democrats first lets them attack Trump for not having done anything even though he had no time to do anything since the IC was keeping him in the dark.

What's bizarre, and shows Tapper's bias, is his next tweet:

After telling us there is no basis for the original charge that Putin favors Trump, which given Bernie's love affair with Russia is absurd, and that the whole story was a bit of #FakeNews orchestrated by the Deep State in the IC Tapper goes on to act as though it's odd that Trump wants to fire the people in the IC who view him, not Russia or China, as the greatest threat to America and who will tell any lie to subvert the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Then we discover just how hypocritical the Democrats are.

The Washington Post wrote that Bernie Sanders was told by government officials that Russia is attempting to help his campaign.  Oddly the voices that were castigating Trump seem to be a lot more reserved when Putin's helping Bernie.

Apparently if Putin allegedly helps Trump it's Trump's fault but if Putin helps Bernie it's Putin's fault.  Just like the how Democrats blame Trump for the nuts who support him, even though Trump condemns their actions, while saying that the Bernie supporter who nearly murdered Republicans Steve Scalise in no way reflects on Bernie.

The fact that the WaPo and the NYT ran with this story which was debunked in around 24 hours shows that you can't trust anything they print.

That even after showing that Trump was correct that the IC is full of people out to get Trump Jake Tapper can say that it's odd that Trump is trying to clean the political partisans out of the IC shows how biased even relatively honest #FakeNews media reporters are.

At this rate within a fake scandal or two Trump will be refuting the scandals before the Democrats announce them.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Why the Intelligence Community can't be trusted anymore

Historically the IC has not been overwhelmingly competent.

During the Cold War the IC grossly overestimated the Soviet economy and didn't predict the fall of Communism in Russia at all.

While I happen to think they got it right on WMDs in Iraq all the Democrats who are trusting every word against Trump that comes out of the IC said that the IC got it totally wrong about Iraq.

What few people know is that the CIA, and presumably the other intelligence services, is staffed by mostly Ivy League graduates.  Yeah they're basically full of the coastal elites who love Democrats and hate America as it is.

Given how insane Ivy League graduates are about Trump there's no reason to believe that those who chose to work in the IC are going to be any more unbiased than those that didn't.

The IC has consistently let America down despite the brave and dedicated service of many in the IC.  Too many IC leaders are biased and willing to use their power to advance the Democrat agenda.

Nancy Pelosi wants Putin to pick our President

With the latest probable lie being leaked by radical Democrats that Putin is interfering in the 2020 election for Trump Democrats like Pelosi are already blaming Trump.

Which means that one of two things is true; either Pelosi would condemn any candidate that Putin helped or that she only condemns Trump.

We know the former isn't true since we know for a fact that Obama cut a deal with Putin to help Obama win the 2012 election.  Obama asked Putin to go easy on him, don't create any foreign policy waves, and then after he was elected he, Obama, would be more "flexible" in dealing with Putin.

Putin held up his end, which is why Obama could mock Romney for saying Russia was a threat, and after he was reelected Obama killed a missile defense system in Europe that Putin didn't like.

Nancy never said a word about it.

Given that Trump hasn't done anything wrong the fact that Pelosi is attacking him is effectively saying she wants Putin to pick our President.  By acting unilaterally in favor of Trump he, in Nancy's mind, disqualifies Trump from being President.  Which means the Democrat will win because of what Putin did.

Now that's enabling foreign interference.

Bloomberg is useful for showing how insane Bernie Sanders is

When Mike Bloomberg is the voice of sanity in the room you know there's something wrong.

After all this guy wants to control how much soda you drink, tell mothers how they have to feed their babies, and keep people from vaping so he's not opposed to treating Americans like serfs.  Yet despite that he says that Bernie's socialist ideals are a disaster.

In the Las Vegas debate Bloomberg raised at least 3 points about Bernie that are damning.

1) Bloomberg pointed out that Bernie wants to essentially throw out capitalism and that Bernie is therefore a communist.  We knew that Bernie was a communist, he honeymooned in the Soviet Union and he hated JFK because JFK didn't like Castro, but it's nice to hear a Democrat who hates Trump announce the truth.

2)Bloomberg pointed out that while Bernie says he's a socialist he owns 3 houses.  Bloomberg didn't mention that Bernie is also a 1%er.

3)Bloomberg pointed out that there is no way that Bernie will beat Trump when a core plan of Bernie's is to take away the health insurance that they love from 160,000,000 Americans.  Union workers are a key Democrat constituency and they have gone on strike and endured significant financial losses to get good health insurance as part of their contracts. Bernie is going to take that away from them and give them the same quality of health care as bums who could work but who don't want to will get.

The fact that there are several Democrat Presidential candidates is great since they are unable to not attack each other.  That's because the all share the core Democrat value; all that matters is me getting more power.  

Given that the only way Democrats get elected in America is by lying about what they will do if elected--remember how Obama said he didn't support redefining marriage?-- the fact that they're exposing each others lies will make it harder for the #FakeNews people to fool we the people.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Can we trust the Intelligence Community anymore?

Most of the folks who are involved in the Intelligence Community(IC) are good patriotic Americans but more and more it seems that the non-appointed leadership are corrupt Democrat hacks.

We know that Clapper and Brennan misused their positions to attempt to nullify the 2016 election by lending credibility to the now disprove claim that Trump colluded with Russia.

Today we have a new leak, probably from 5 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee including Adam Schiff, that the IC testified that Russia was interfering in the 2020 election for Trump.

The first obvious question is what could the Russians be doing today to help Trump?

The second question is why would they?  After all he's been a lot tougher on Putin than Obama was and none of the Democrat Presidential candidates are showing any spine in terms of dealing with foreign adversaries.

Here's a short list of how Obama and Trump treated Russia:

  • Obama canceled antimissile system that Putin didn't like
  • Obama let Putin take control of Syria
  • Obama reset our relationship with Russia by ignoring Putin's imperialism in Georgia
  • Obama did nothing to deter Putin taking over Crimea

  • Trump got NATO to significantly increase defense spending
  • Trump increases sanctions on Russia
  • Trump got Germany to back out of a massive natural gas deal with Russia
  • Trump is building up the US military

Why would Putin want four more years of Trump when historically Democrats have been nicer to him?

Bernie Sanders, who is the leading contender at the moment, honeymooned in the Soviet Union and has extolled communism and tyrants most of his life.  It's unlikely that he'll be too mad at Russia if he's elected.

These problems makes one wonder if the IC isn't lying, or the leakers are lying.

We know that the IC is eager to get rid of Trump and that they think that they should be running the show not our elected officials.

Chuck Schumer said:

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,"

He was saying that Trump was being stupid to picking a fight with the IC about who really hacked the DNC computers.

That the head of the Democrats in the Senate said that the elected representatives of the people should be afraid of the IC shows that, at least in Schumer's mind, the IC is more like a secret police organization than a part of the US government.

Given the fact that it's clear that Trump is worse for Putin than Bernie or any of the Democrats would be and given the IC's behavior recently vis a vis Trump and given that Schumer said that the IC would misuse its power to attack politicians it doesn't like the sane thing to do would be to assume the this leak that the #FakeNews is either lying or the IC folk who testified lied.

What unites the Democrat Presidential candidates: They want to take your money and your rights

People are pointing out that the Democrat party, which claims to be the party of Blacks and Hispanics, threw out diversity in their candidates for President very early.

But even before that there was no diversity in the Democrat candidates according to the criteria defined by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr..

MLK said that we should judge people based on the content of their character not the color of their skin.

But all the Democrat candidates agree on pretty much everything major; their differences are in the details.

All the Democrat candidates generally agree that:

  • America is a horrible racists country
  • American workers aren't taxed enough
  • Politicians don't control enough of the American economy
  • Politicians should have control over who gets, and who doesn't get, medical care
  • Anyone who manages to sneak across the border should get subsidized by taxpayers, including according to some candidates, free medical care
  • Criminals spend too much time in jail
  • You can't be trusted to own a gun
  • It's best to ignore the mass shootings of Blacks in Democrat run cities like Chicago
  • It's racist to give Black kids the same school choice that rich white kids have
  • Negotiating better international trade agreements is bad
  • We're all going to die in 12 years if we don't give Democrats more of our money and more power over us
  • Flying private jets is fine for Democrat politicians but not for we serfs
  • People who could work but who don't want to should be given your hard earned dollars
  • Iran is a great country that hates us because they should
  • Killing terrorist masterminds is a bad thing if a Republican does it
  • Americans might interfere in the 2020 election
  • American's aren't capable of running their own lives
  • It's good to release Black criminals from jail so that they can prey on Black people

The list goes on.

Beneath their superficial differences, should we impose socialism now or next year, all the Democrat candidates are fascist tyrants who believe that they should rule over us not represent us.

Steven Spielberg ok with his daughter debasing herself for money[UPDATE he's not]

Steven Spielberg's adopted daughter grew tired of working and has decided to make money by selling pornography featuring herself.

These products don't feature others so that's good but the fact that according to his daughter Steven Spielberg isn't up in arms about this shows just how degenerate the modern left is.

Historically fathers protected their daughters from being exploited as objects rather than being loved as women.  Spielberg, if his adopted daughter is telling the truth, is saying that he's ok with his daughter being exploited as an object.

Of course given the left's support for "sex work" it's not really surprising that leftists think that degrading women is a fine thing.

After all when Bill Clinton exploited Monica Lewinsky Democrats didn't think that was that bad; well at least not bad enough to justify Democrats losing power.

We have to feel sorry for Spielberg's daughter.  What must she think of what her father thinks of her given that he's not doing everything in his power to keep her from denigrating herself?

We can only hope that her description of her parent's reaction is wrong.

Hopefully the reality is that Spielberg is working behind the scenes to correct his daughters disastrous mistake and is afraid to speak out because that might alienate her further.

But the rest of the #FakeNews media has no such excuse.  They should be condemning the objectification of "sex workers" no matter who they are.

UPDATE:  Well it turns out that it appears that Spielberg and his wife are supportive of their daughter but in the same way that they'd be supportive of her if she took to using heroin.

Friends of the Spielberg family said:

“Outwardly, Steven and Kate — who are the most evolved parents in the world and love their kids beyond all measure — have always been supportive of Mikaela and try to understand her,” said the family friend. “Obviously, though, they’re embarrassed by her sudden public admission of entry into the sex worker world.”

“Nothing can hurt Steven Spielberg’s immaculate reputation, nor Kate’s, but they’re worried about how [Mikaela’s revelation] looks for their other kids, who are trying to be supportive but who are also embarrassed,” said the family friend. “This certainly isn’t how they were raised.”

This is good news because it shows that despite the rot in the culture someone like Spielberg isn't comfortable with it being a part of his child's life.  This is very similar to all the women who are "pro-choice" but who would never themselves have an abortion.

Bernie Sanders's double standard: Judge Trump by those who like him but don't do that to Sanders

Bernie Sanders has a lot of followers who are violent and evil.

Bernie's been called out for that and his response is to say that he can't be held responsible for what his followers do.

Which makes sense actually.

The problem is that Bernie is running an ad blaming Trump because white nationalists like Trump.

That's what's called hypocrisy.

Even better the ad lies about what Trump said.  At the time of Charlottesville there were four groups of people present; peaceful folk who wanted the Confederate statues removed, peaceful people who wanted the statues kept, violent white nationalists/Nazis, and violent leftists.

Trump mentioned the first two groups and said they were good people.  He specifically mentioned that the Nazi's were horrible people.  Yet the left, in this case Bernie, keep lying by saying that Trump said that the Nazi's were good people.

What makes this even better than that is that the ad touts Bernie as having the potential to be the first Jewish president.  Which is true but Bernie associates with virulent antisemites who call for the destruction of Israel; like Ilhan Omar.

So Bernie is saying to folks that they should vote for him because he's Jewish while he's associating with people who want to destroy Israel.

Clearly Bernie is eager to lie to you about what he really believes in if he thinks it will get him votes.

The first cancel culture: Black conservatives don't exist

On Fox, of course, two Black men pointed out that because they're conservative the media and the Democrats say that they don't exist.

Host David Webb and Iraq war veteran and political analyst Rob Smith are both Black and they said that to Democrats they don't exist.

Webb said to Smith:

"You're black, gay and a Republican and an Iraq veteran. We both don't exist. ... Our voices are pushed down,"

Smith went on to point that Democrat policies aren't helping Blacks so that it makes sense for Blacks to not support Democrats.

What's interesting is that this is one more sign of how the Democrat politicians of today are just as racist as the Democrat politicians who fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal.

To todays Democrat politicians any Black who doesn't toe the Democrat party line isn't really Black and deserves to be crushed.

If you doubt that look at how Democrats talk about Black conservatives like Kanye, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas, and Ben Carson.  If any Republican talked about Obama that way the Democrats and the lying propagandists in the #FakeNews media would be labelling then as racists.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bloomberg wants a nanny state: Tells women they can't use formula to feed babies

Not only does uber rich extremist Mike Bloomberg not know what a farmer does but he's also sure that he is a better mother than mothers are.

When he was mayor he created a program to deny mothers in hospitals the right to use formula instead of breast feeding unless the hospital could provide a medical justification.

To Bloomberg mothers who love their children are too stupid to be allowed to choose how to feed their new born babies.

Now that's real sexism.

Clearly there is no aspect of our lives that Bloomberg doesn't feel he should control since he's so much smarter and better than us.

In that he's fully in line with all the Democrat presidential candidates who all say that they not we should control how we live.

The Washington Post advocates for tyranny

Clearly the elites in the DC area believe that we the people can't be allowed to, as Adam Schiff implied, "interfere" in the 2020 election.

The WaPo op-ed was written by a university professor, well duh, from Marquette university.

Julia Azari wrote:

"The current process is clearly flawed, but what would be better? … A better primary system would empower elites to bargain and make decisions, instructed by voters."

Of course leftists elitists would ignore anything the voters said that they, the elites, didn't like so the whole "instructions from voters" would be just a big lie to cover up that Azari wants us to return to the past where candidates were selected in smoke filled rooms by the "elites"; of course now the smoke would be from weed not tobacco.

That the WaPo would publish this is more proof that their "Democracy Dies in Darkness" is a mission statement not a warning.

This is how Democrat leaders, politicians and the folk in the #FakeNews media, think of you.  You're a problem and you're not really smart enough to make your own decisions.

This nothing new. Back when Democrats were fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal they said that slavery was actually a good thing for Blacks. Their "reasoning" was based the belief held by Democrats that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives so that slavery actually resulted in a better quality of life for Blacks than being free would.

All that's changed is that modern Democrat elites view all of we the people as too stupid to run our own lives. That's why they believe that they should have complete control over how we live from deciding what our religious beliefs should be, remember Hillary said that religions would have to change what they teach to conform to Democrat policy?, to how much soda/pop we can drink and what sort of straws we can use.

All Democrat presidential candidates support fascist tyranny and believe that they should control your lives rather than represent you.

UPDATE: in response to criticism the WaPo changed the headline.  But the fact remains that they thought the original one, and there article itself, was ok.

Buttigieg and Warren lie about a Latino man to win Black votes

Back in 2012 Trayvon Martin, a Black teen who boasted of violence and drug use on social media, viscously attacked George Zimmerman who is Latino.

After suffering serious potentially life threatening injuries Zimmerman shot Trayvon in self defense.

He was acquitted by a jury even after Obama interfered by basically saying that Zimmerman was at fault.

But now Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren are smearing him as a white nationalist racist so that they can win points with Black Americans.

Here's what Buttigieg tweeted:

“Trayvon Martin would have been 25 today. How many 25th birthdays have been stolen from us by white supremacy, gun violence, prejudice, and fear? #BlackLivesMatter,”

Aside from the obvious problem that in the Buttigieg's universe Hispanics can't be white nationalists not one jot of evidence of Zimmerman having any racial biases whatsoever has ever been produced.

But that doesn't stop Buttigieg from lying about what actually happened nor does it stop Buttigieg from viscously attacking a Hispanic man for defending himself.

Labeling a man defending himself from an unprovoked attack and possible death "gun violence" shows that extremists like Buttigieg aren't interested in protecting the safety of Americans.  Pete clearly only wants to ensure that the serfs can't revolt as he steals our rights.

Warren tweeted:

“My heart goes out to @SybrinaFulton and Trayvon's family and friends. He should still be with us today. We need to end gun violence and racism. And we need to build a world where all of our children—especially young Black boys—can grow up safe and free,”

Warren too is lying.  There was no racism in this case, unless Trayvon was a racist who hated Hispanics.  

The world is safe for young Black boys if they're not shot by older black teenagers who belong to gangs.  While Warren added photos of Trayvon when he was 4 to 10 years old she didn't post a photo of him when he was 17; the age at which he attacked Zimmerman.

No one, especially Zimmerman is happy that Trayvon's violent attack on an innocent man left the teen dead.  But good people realize that when you attack someone and pound their head into the pavement your chances of getting hurt go up dramatically.

If Democrats would have had their way Zimmerman would have been unarmed and while Trayvon would be alive Zimmerman quite likely would not be.  Once again Democrat politicians want criminals to be safe and honest citizens to be at risk.

That's also clear from how the "gun control" community, almost all Democrats, are upset that there were armed people in the West Freeway Church of Christ that ended a mass shooting in 6 seconds.  They're saying that if Texas law hadn't been changed to allow that the killer wouldn't have brought his illegally obtained shotgun into the church.

Now that's insanity.  The guy was planning on murdering dozens of people but he would not be willing to break a law saying he couldn't have a gun in church.

Democrats want you defenseless even as they push for shorter sentences for criminals who use guns in crimes.

Oddly while Buttigieg and Warren are quite comfortable lying about a Hispanic they aren't saying anything about the thousands of Blacks who are shot every year in Democrat run cities like Chicago.

Clearly neither of them give a darn about Blacks.  If they did they'd be talking about Tyshawn Lee not Trayvon Martin. Tyshawn's only crime was that his dad was in a gang.  A rival gang originally planned to kidnap 9 year old Tyshawn and torture him but ended up just shooting him.  Here's what Tyshawn looked like when he was killed in Democrat run Chicago:

That's an innocent Black kid who was killed unlike Trayvon Martin.

But Buttigieg and Warren don't dare critique the way Democrats mistreat Blacks because that would cost them votes; and votes are all that matters to those two extremists.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Democrats support the right to kill gays

In Washington State Rep. Nicole Macri is working hard to make it easier to kill gays.

In this she's following in the footsteps in California who have already made it clear that deliberately infecting someone with HIV is not a big deal.

Currently in Washington, but not California, if a someone who has AIDS doesn't tell their sexual partner about that before they have sex they're guilty of a felony.

But Macri wants to make that a misdemeanor.

To be clear if the person who has HIV doesn't know that they have HIV it isn't currently a crime.

Only if a person knows they have HIV and doesn't tell the other, presumably because they don't want to scare them off, is it a crime.

Now AIDS is no longer as lethal as it used to be thanks to billions of dollars spent finding treatments but it is a sentence to a life of less than good health and a very expensive regime of multiple medications.

Why would anyone want to make deliberately infecting someone else with HIV a minor thing like say jay walking?

The backers of the Bill say they want to protect people with HIV from stigma.

But anyone who intentionally exposes another person to HIV because they think that the other person would say no to sex if they knew should be stigmatized.

They further say that non-consensual sex isn't the issue but not telling your "partner" that you have a potentially lethal and communicable disease seems to indicate that the sex wouldn't have been consensual if the "partner" knew the truth.

The simple reality is that if these leftist Democrats really cared about gays they would demand that a gay with AIDS tell any potential sexual partner about it so that partner could make an informed decision.

One more reason not to trust the Washington Post: lying about Trump editon

A front page article in the WaPo uses misdirection to try and blame Trump for "changing the narrative".

Of course by changing the narrative leftists at the WaPo really means disagreeing with the Democrat's  lies but even ignoring that the article has a big problem.

It correctly states that the FBI/DOJ believe that the Russians did try and interfere with the 2016 election.  But then it goes on to try and make you think that that's what Trump is trying to dispute.

The reality is that Trump is disputing what we now know, thanks to the Mueller investigation and the IG report, was a big lie about Trump colluding with the Russians.

Trump has never said that the Russians didn't spend a little money trying to interfere in the 2016 election.  But he is pointing out that the big lie pitched by the WaPo for 3 years that he, Trump, colluded with the Russians is in fact a lie.

Of course the WaPo can't actually refute Trump since Trump is the one telling the truth.

Instead they publish a "news article" which is nothing more than a big lie in an attempt to keep their readers from understanding just how badly they've been lied to by the WaPo.

The 2 track law system: Obama asking DOJ to prosecute someone at Soro's behest

According to famous leftists lawyer Alan Dershowitz Obama asked the FBI to investigate someone because billionaire nazi sympathizer and hard core leftists George Soros asked him to.

We have to take this with a grain of salt since Dershowitz hasn't revealed any evidence yet because a law suit hasn't yet been filed but historically Dershowitz has been honest even if his policies haven't been ones that conservatives like.

Additionally Dershowitz has said that this is nothing new; that Presidents regularly do this.

He points out that when JFK was President the White House exercised a lot of control over what the DOJ did.

Thanks to the #FakeNews media coverup very few American know that RFK, JFK's brother, spied on the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr and discovered that the Reverend was having affairs.  RFK then told the press about them.

Yet now the Democrats are furious that Trump pointed out the truth; sentencing Roger Stone to 87 to 108 months in prison when the average violent offender only serves 72 months--and the Democrat mayor of Baltimore is only being sentenced to 60 months for stealing from charities--is a politically motivated abomination.

It's clear that Democrats are all for the politicization of the FBI/DOJ--witness the whole Mueller fiasco--but only when it benefits them.

Buying the law: Bloomberg uses his money to hurt you

Mike Bloomberg has an army of mercenary lawyers, yes that is redundant, who he uses to hurt you by having them sue people to "protect the environment".

The end run around democracy works by Bloomberg paying lawyers who work in the offices of leftists Attorney Generals around the US.  Acting with the authority of the AGs they work for but following Bloomberg's orders they're essential a dictatorial way for Bloomberg to buy himself power over we the people.

Imagine if you will if someone paid attorneys and embedded them in AG offices with orders to prosecute illegal immigrants.  The outcry from the #FakeNews media would be unimaginable.

With good reason; no one should be able to prosecute citizens other than those who are actually paid by we the people.  What we pay for we can get rid of.  But what we can't we are stuck with.

Keep in mind that Bloomberg could pay these lawyers to bring civil suits.  But civil suits lack the consequences, like jail time, of government suits.

It's unclear if the people Bloombergs legal thugs persecute know that they're the victim of Bloomberg's private vendetta or if they think that the real government is after them.

People are a lot more afraid of the government, another problem that needs fixing, then they would be of Bloomberg.  Effectively the leftist AGs are deputizing radicals to go after anyone that Bloomberg doesn't like.

This is emblematic of the way that Democrat politicians view the world.

They KNOW they're better than you, smarter than you, and that therefore they have the right and even an obligation to run your life for you.  They simply can't risk you interfering in an election and voting in candidates who aren't as good as they are.

This is nothing new for Democrat politicians.  Back when they were fighting the Civil War to keep slavery legal  one of their go to arguments was that Black people were too stupid to run their own lives and because of that slavery was good for Blacks.

All that's changed is that now Democrat politicians think all of us in fly over country are Black.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Leftists declare that all Blacks are thugs

A thug is a criminal who uses violence.  Historically since most Blacks are honest and most thugs are white no one thought that the word was a racially charged one.

However now the left has declared it to be a racist term and they're attacking the Governor of West Virginia, Jim Justice, for using it.

The governor coaches a girls basketball team on the side.  His team was playing another team when the game was halted when players on that team entered the stands to assault fans of the other team.  One of the teams coaches was cited for obstructing police which means they were at the very least abetting the attacks.

It happens that the coaches and players on the team that rushed the stands are mostly Black.

What the governor said was:

". . .honest to God’s truth is the same thing happened over at [the opposing school] two different times. . .They’re a bunch of thugs. The whole team left the bench. The coach is in a fight. They walked off the court. They called the game.

The game was over when they walked off the floor — it’s as simple as that. They don’t know how to behave and at the end of the day, you got what you got."

A local attorney said that thugs is a modern version of the n-word.  Which means that lawyer is saying is that most Blacks are thugs. The n-word, odd that we can't even print that but we can print honkey, applies to all Blacks. So for thug to apply to all Blacks all Blacks must be thugs.

The reality is that these preposterous attacks on the governor are reflections of the deep seated racism of Democrats.  It's no accident that Democrats never talk about the fact that thousands of Blacks are shot each year in Democrat run cities and Democrats do nothing about it.  If you doubt how racist the Democrat politicians are ask yourself this; "Do you honestly believe that if nearly 3000 white people were being shot in Chicago each and every year that the Democrats who've been running the city for more than 80 years wouldn't do something different?".

The governor defended himself by stating the obvious:

My definition of a thug is clear — it means violence, bullying, and disorderly conduct. And we, as West Virginians, should have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. Anyone that would accuse me of making a racial slur is totally absurd.

He's right. But the very fact that the people attacking him conflate thugs with Blacks shows how racist they are.

Democrats are waging a literal war on Republicans and the #FakeNews media doesn't care

Ever since the #FakeNews media showed tolerance, and in some cases support, for Antifa's use of violence to silence political speech the left doesn't like we've known that the media "reporters" are ok with real literal violence against conservatives.

Hence it's not surprising that in the face of a wave of assaults on Trump supporters the #FakeNews media is not sounding any sort of alarm.

In February alone there have been these incidents, and an unknown number we don't know about:

  • Democrat who hates Trump drives his van through a voter registration booth being run by Republicans
  • A 34 year old man hits a 15 year old Trump supporter and two people who tried to protect the kid
  • "Protesters" at UC Santa Cruz smashed a College Republicans information table 
  • A 50 year old retired NYC police officer was punched because someone thought he was wearing a MAGA hat
  • A college student yelled that the throats of Republicans should be slashed

If the situation were reversed we know that the #FakeNews media would be going non-stop about the horror of it all.

Clearly the left in America today is, like their Nazi and Communist predecessors, perfectly comfortable with using violence to advance their cause.

That combined with the two different sets of laws that the biased employee's at the DOJ have set up means that your freedom and your life are not as protected as those of people who voted for Hillary.

Most Hillary voters wouldn't like that. But they don't know about it just as they didn't know the truth about Hillary which is why they voted for her.

Spread the news to your friends who get their "truth" from the #FakeNews media.  That will help them see why the #FakeNews media can't be trusted.

Rich Democrats hate you: Bloomberg disses farmers, union members, and factory workers edition

Farming has always been an amazingly hard job which is hard to master.

These days with all the advances in farm technology and the constant pressure from large agricultural conglomerates being a farmer is a very demanding very technology intensive job.

In addition farmers are small business owners not just employee's so they have to know all the nonsense necessary to conform to the never ending mandates coming from Democrats in DC.

But according to 1% Mike Bloomberg, who the DNC seems to love, he could teach anyone to farm.

The agrarian society lasted 3,000 years and we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer," Bloomberg said. "It's a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.
Clearly Bloomberg has never actually grown anything. Folks who have had backyard gardens know there is a lot more to successfully growing even a few tomatoes than that.

That's clear evidence of Bloomberg thinking more highly of his own competence than is justified by the facts.

He went on to effectively say that an idiot could do the common manufacturing jobs.

Then we had 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job.

Once again anyone who has actually worked in a factory knows there is more to it than that. If nothing else doing the same job over and over without messing up is not a trivial skill; many tech workers, who Bloomberg praises, would be unable to do that day in and day out.

Bloomberg went on to state that folks in the manufacturing sector are too stupid to learn to be high tech workers:

"Now comes the information economy and the information economy is fundamentally different because it's built around replacing people with technology and the skill sets that you have to learn are how to think and analyze, and that is a whole degree level different. You have to have a different skill set, you have to have a lot more gray matter. It's not clear the teachers can teach or the students can learn, and so the challenge of society of finding jobs for these people, who we can take care of giving them a roof over their head and a meal in their stomach and a cell phone and a car and that sort of thing. But the thing that is the most important, that will stop them from setting up a guillotine someday, is the dignity of a job"

This is a great example of how Democrat politicians think that they're better than us; that the should rule over us and run our lives.

No wonder that when he was mayor of NYC he worked hard to ensure that us stupid folk didn't drink too much soda.

His attitude is one that Democrat politicians have historically embraced.

When fighting a war to keep slavery legal Democrats said that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives; that Democrats were helping Blacks by enslaving them.

All that's changed is that all of us in flyover country are now Blacks in the eyes of Democrat politicians like Bloomberg.

Remember the DNC is bending the debate rules because they love Bloomberg so much.