Sunday, March 31, 2019

Ocasio-Cortez defines her truth which isn't real

We're all used to Ocasio-Cortez saying things that are absurd; cow farts will destroy the world.

But she continues to construct her own truth which because she's Hispanic and a woman is automatically given credence by the left which defines truth based on the level of victimhood the speaker has.

Her latest distortion of reality is about the 22nd Amendment.  She claims it was passed to keep FDR from having a 4th term.  The problem is that the 22nd Amendment was started in 1947 years after FDR died.

Now while it's true that dead people often vote Democrat to date the Democrats haven't run anyone who is physically, as opposed to intellectually, dead for office.

But since to Democrats truth is merely something that they construct to enable them to get more power over we the people this egregious error by Ocasio-Cortez will in no way be construed as calling the wisdom of her pronouncements into question by Democrats or the #FakeNews media.

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