Friday, March 29, 2019

An Abortion Contradiction

A female legislator in Georgia got up to oppose the fetal heart beat bill which would ban abortions once the "clump of cells" had a working heart.

She started out listing all the suffering she'd gone through during her 9 miscarriages.  She talked about who heart wrenching it was when she lost those 9 "potential" lives.  She had even named one of them.

Her story was so sad and everyone wanted to comfort her over her loss.

But then she said that we shouldn't limit women's ability to kill their unborn daughters.

The contradiction is obvious. She had just shown us amazing proof that the unborn aren't clumps of cells or somehow not human and then she said that despite that it was wrong to keep a mother from killing her unborn baby.

Science tells us that the life of a new unique human being begins not at birth but at conception.  No one ever asks a women how her potential baby is doing or if her fetus is ok.  Everyone asks the mom how her baby is doing and what sex her baby is.

To say that a mother should be able to kill her unborn baby for any reason at any time during a pregnancy requires that we believe one of two things; either the unborn child isn't human or that it's ok to kill an innocent human being because they're not wanted.

The first option requires us to reject science and common sense and the second requires us to reject any form of human morality.

That's why the abortion industry is so comfortable lying about the true nature of the unborn; very few women are so monstrous as to feel comfortable with killing an innocent human being for selfish reasons.  Given that only 1% of abortions are due to rape, according to a Planned Parenthood related think tank, and less than 1% of abortions occur because a Dr. told the mother that she had to kill her baby to live if women knew what they were really doing there would be far fewer abortions which would hurt abortionists profits.

An interesting and sad take on what that female legislator was saying is that the babies she lost, the babies she loved, were of value only because she loved them. That if she hadn't wanted them then they would have had no value, no rights.

But that logic is precisely the logic used by the Nazi's to justify the Holocaust and slave owners to justify killing slaves; human beings only have rights if society or other persons value them.

That's in direct opposition to the American position which is that every human being has intrinsic inalienable rights granted by God.

Now it's very unlikely that that Georgia legislator actually believes that the value of human life is contingent on that person being wanted. Rather she'd been lied to her entire life about just what the unborn are and she's never really confronted the inherent contradiction between the horrible pain she felt when she lost her unborn children and her saying that it should be legal to intentionally kill unborn children who were just like those she lost differing only in that their mothers didn't want them.

It's also unlikely that she's realized that if the unborn have no intrinsic rights, if they're not persons under the law, then killing them isn't murder.  Which means that if a mugger had attacked her and caused her to miscarry one of those unborn children who she loved so much to die he couldn't be charged with murder; unless of course one wants to argue that because she wanted her child it had rights but if she didn't love that child it would have no rights.

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