Saturday, March 9, 2019

Proof medicare for all won't work; Trump signs bill to allow veterans to get private health care

The VA is essentially Medicare for all veterans.  The government runs the entire healthcare ecosystem for veterans.

Some vets get great care but we've all heard the multiple stories about corruption, faked waiting lists, and veterans dying while waiting to get care.

That's because despite many people in the VA being wonderful a massive bureaucracy where performance isn't rewarded but office political expertise is cannot be efficient. When a VA hospital has a huge problem and lets down it's patients they can't go somewhere else and no one in the hospital gets fired.

There is simply no patient centered feedback mechanism to prevent the government from treating veterans poorly.

But Medicare for all will be just the same.  Patient care will get worse because the employees of the new government health organization won't suffer a bit when patients get poor care and to be honest the vast majority of us are unlikely to work extra hard when doing so gives us absolutely no benefit.

The bill Trump signed is like school choice for veterans.  School choice works by effectively cutting the budget for government schools unless they provide an education which is just as good as that provided by private schools which get the same number of dollars per student.

Similarly by allowing vets to get care outside of the VA it will reduce the VA's budget which will force them to become competitive. It will force them to care about how they treat their patients because if too many patients leave then the VA will have to start laying off people. Now that's an incentive to care about patient outcomes.

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