Saturday, March 30, 2019

Rahm Emanuel has got it backwards; Obama caused Smollett not Trump

The Democrat Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel has declared that it's Trump's fault that gay Black left wing Jussie Smollett faked a hate crime against himself.

Rahm's "reasoning" is that Trump has created a climate of hate so Jussie felt safe in faking a hate crime.

The problem is that it's Democrats like Rahm who are creating the climate of hate; it's Democrats who kept peddling the "hands up don't shoot" lie Trayvon was an innocent child who was shot by a white Hispanic--interestingly Obama who is half white/half Black was never called a white Black.

In the same comment where he condemns Trump for creating a climate of hate Rahm said:

“Look, I’ve always said from day one, this is a Trump-free zone, the city of Chicago, and I mean it,”

Now that's a prime example of Democrat hate; can you imagine if say the mayor of Chicago had said that Chicago was an "Obama-free zone" how he would have been condemned for hatred?

The reality is that Jussie thought he could get away with it for a number of reasons all of which were valid.

1) He's Black and gay and the #FakeNews media would never think that he had done anything wrong--and the fawning media coverage even after it was clear he was lying proves he was right about that.
2) He's connected to the Obama's and so it was unlikely that even if he was found out that he'd be punished in any way--and he was proven right.
3) He's been consistently lied to by Democrats and the #FakeNews media about hate crimes against Blacks being common that he assumed that no one would question his story--fortunately not all Chicago cops are crooked so he was proven wrong on this assumption.

But all of those reasons are due to Democrats not Trump.  Trump doesn't preach hate towards Blacks; Democrats preach that Trump preaches hate toward Blacks.

Cops aren't going around targeting Blacks in general but Democrats are preaching that every cop, white/Black/Hispanic, are looking for any excuse to shoot Blacks.

In an America where people think it's ok to allow only Black reporters into a news event it's clear that our problem isn't some war on Blacks by whites.

The real problem is that Democrats are working hard to convince Blacks that the only thing between them and death is a friendly, usually white, Democrat.  

Jussie's crime is the fault not of Trump but of Rahm, Obama, Hillary, and the entire rest of the Democrat party who've been peddling lies about white racism in order to keep Blacks afraid and voting Democratic.

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