Friday, March 22, 2019

What do Democrats stand for?

Here are some of the positions that the Democrats as a group, especially the Presidential candidates, seem to be supporting today.

1) Infanticide:  Democrats have rejected a law which would require appropriate medical care for babies who are born alive.

2) Abortion for any reason up to the moment of birth: Democrats have pushed bills that allow an abortion do be done while a woman is in labor.

3) Making it legal for strangers to kill unborn babies: The new New York state abortion law that Democrat Cuomo celebrated says that the unborn have no rights and hence if a mugger or a disgruntled father attacks a pregnant woman and kills her unborn daughter it is not murder; the only crime is assaulting the mother. This is a real issue; already one man who did just that has had the charges against him for killing the unborn child dropped.

4) Eliminating air travel: As part of the "Green New Deal" Democrats want to make us take 20+ hour train trips across the country.

5) Energy scarcity: Democrats want to get rid of all fossil fuel but the problem is that solar and wind not only are much more expensive they often don't work at anywhere near full capacity.  Now nuclear or hydroelectric power don't have those problems but Democrats reject them. Without nuclear, hydro, or back up fossil fuels people will be going without power during Minnesota nights.

6) Unlimited illegal immigration: Democrats are all for open borders; anyone who can sneak into the US should get welfare for life.  One Democrat is even calling for illegals to get Social Security benefits.

7) Condoning the mass shooting of Blacks in Democrat run cities:  Each year thousands of Blacks are shot in Democrat run cites like Chicago but the Democrats say and do nothing to fix the problem; instead they're working on reducing  the time criminals spend in jail.

8) Exporting US jobs:  Democrats oppose the US taking action to end unfair trade practices that let US companies increase their profits by shipping jobs overseas where labor is cheap.

9) Income security for those who are unwilling to work:  Democrats want hard working Americans to pay to ensure that bums who could work but don't want to live comfortable lives.

10) Reparations for Slavery:  Democrat's want to tax the descendants of the men who fought in the Union army to end slavery to give money to Blacks who have no slave blood; they came to America long after slavery was abolished.

11) Kill all the cows:  Democrats tell us that cow farts are destroying our planet.  Well cows, being herbivores, will fart so the only solution is to kill all of them.

12) Make us all vegans: Democrats are openly talking about using the power of government to get Americans to eat less meat.  Like to see where the Constitution says the government has the power to do that.

13) Force Christians to provide services to gay "weddings":  Democrats only support freedom of worship--for now--not our right to exercise our religion.

14) Graphic sex ed for grade schoolers: We see this in California where the Democrats are mandating graphic sex ed for kids as young as kindergarteners.

15) Allowing men to use the women's bathroom: Not just men who have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist as being transgendered; any man who says he's really a woman.

16) Destroying women's sports: By demanding that men who are pretending to be women but have the full biological advantage in terms of larger hearts etc be allowed to compete in women's events Democrats are ensuring that real women will be unlikely to win any athletic competition in the future.

17) Supporting voter fraud: Democrats are for giving drivers licenses to illegals and automatically registering everyone who gets a drivers license without requiring any proof of citizenship.

18) Higher taxes: Even ignoring the massive tax increases on the middle class that would be require to fund the "Green New Deal" Democrats have promised to repeal the Trump tax cuts which reduced taxes for the vast majority of Americans.

19) Censorship: Democrats have declared that "hate" speech--ie any speech they don't like--isn't protected by the 1st Amendment.  They also fully support Twitter, Facebook, etc censoring conservative voices.

20) Taking American's guns:  Democrats are all for doing anything they can to disarm the American people. In California the Democrats have passed laws that make it impossible to buy any handgun that is newly manufactured.

21) Using the Supreme Court to impose Democrat policy on us: For decades Democrats have managed to use dishonest Supreme Court judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg to legislate from the bench.  Now they're talking about packing the Supreme Court in order to continue that bit of tyranny.

22) Eliminating the Electoral College: Thereby ensuring that a few big cities have all the power over who gets elected president and the folks in fly over country won't even need to vote since their votes won't count.

This is just a small sample of the insane policies being pushed by Democrats all of which are designed to empower them and steal our freedoms.

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