Monday, March 11, 2019

The Left exploits people who are confused about their sex

Generally speaking everything Democrats do is focused on one objective; getting Democrats more power.

That's why it's not surprising that Democrats support the transgendered movement despite the fact that that hurts people who are suffering from gender confusion.

Jamie Shupe has written an article about how he was effectively lied to by the transgender establishment when he thought he wanted to be a woman.

The reality was that he, after a lifetime of molestation and stress, was going insane.  Yet instead of treating his underlying symptoms, such as PTSD, as soon as he suggested that he should really be a woman the doctors who were supposed to be caring for him were unwilling to point out that his self diagnosis was probably wrong.

It's as if he went to see doctors saying he had chest pain but that he was sure he had cancer and the doctors prescribing chemotherapy.

We know from basic science that men can't become women for the simple reason that some hormones and some plastic surgery can't change a person's DNA which defines their sex.

Yet Democrats ignore that just as they ignore the fact that around 40% of transgendered people attempt suicide; nearly 10 times the rate for non-transgendered people.

A high suicide rate isn't surprising when one realizes that the transgendered are sold a bill of goods. They're told that if they pretend to be something they're not their problems will go away. Of course pretending doesn't make deep rooted psychological problems magically disappear and so when these poor people realize that their pretending hasn't fixed anything it's not surprising that they become seriously depressed.

But just as Democrats don't care that the current welfare system destroys Black families Democrats continue to support the horribly destructive lie that men can become women.  The motivation in both cases is the same; at first glance the policies seem to be compassionate.  Knowing that the #FakeNews media will hide the deeper truth from the people and that the left's cultural legions--in academia and the entertainment industry--will stifle any discussion by demonizing anyone who disagrees with Democrats Democrats can feel comfortable that they will not be called out on the actually horrible consequences of their policies.

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