Monday, March 11, 2019

New York times declares that the left ignores antisemitism

A recent NYT story says that Jews are the primary target of hate crimes in NYC.  Half of all NYC hate crimes are against Jews even though only 7% of NYC citizens are Jews--probably lower if the illegals are factored in.

It also says that not one of the people caught or identified as the assailant in a hate crime directed at Jews has been associated with any far right group.

This is why we don't hear about antisemitism.  The article admits that the silence is due to the fact that if Republicans can't be blamed the left isn't interested.

"If anti-Semitism bypasses consideration as a serious problem in New York, it is to some extent because it refuses to conform to an easy narrative with a single ideological enemy."

"In fact, it is the varied backgrounds of people who commit hate crimes in the city that make combating and talking about anti-Semitism in New York much harder….bias stemming from longstanding ethnic tensions in the city presents complexities that many liberals have chosen simply to ignore….When a Hasidic man or woman is attacked by anyone in New York City, mainstream progressive advocacy groups do not typically send out emails calling for concern and fellowship and candlelight vigils in Union Square, as they often do when individuals are harmed in New York because of their race or ethnicity or how they identify in terms of gender or sexual orientation."

Actually it's easy to talk about those hate crimes by simply saying that hatred of and violence against Jews is on the rise in NYC. But since that doesn't fit the left's narrative and it doesn't help the left the #FakeNews media simply ignores it.

What this tells us is that the Democrats have no compassion for people who are the victims of hate crimes. Democrats only care about hate crimes that will help them get more power. That's why after it was discovered that Trayvon Martin was shot by a Hispanic the #FakeNews media had to covert George Zimmerman, who was roughly 500 times more Hispanic than Elizabeth Warren is Native American, into a "white Hispanic" to continue the narrative that white people are going around shooting Black people for no reason.  You can be sure if Zimmerman's last name was Gonzalez that the #FakeNews media would have never covered the story for the same reason it doesn't cover hate crimes against Jews in NYC.

The idea that Democrats don't care about victims that they only use them is supported by the fact that when someone who helps the Democrats get power does something vile it's basically ignored.

For example it's been pointed out that Al Sharpton initiated a riot against Jews back in 1991 but today he's on MSNBC telling us that Trump is an antisemite.

The bottom line is that Democrats care about one thing and one thing only; power. They will pretend to care about anything if it will get them more power.  But the reality is the only thing they really care about is giving themselves more power.

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