Saturday, March 23, 2019

Leftists continue to normalize child molestation

Even as the Left spreads the Big Lie that Catholic priests are the only child molesters in America, which isn't remotely true, they defend celebrity child molesters.

Roman Polanski has been convicted of raping a 13 year old girl and yet the folks in Hollywood keep calling for him to be let off without prison time.

Woody Allen has been credibly charged with molesting his virtual step daughter when she was 8 yet Hollywood continues to lionize him.

Richard Dawkins, a famous atheists, has said that "mild" pedophilia is not that bad.

The latest example of this is Barbara Streisand's defense of Michael Jackson's sick behavior.  She said of Jackson:

“His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has," Streisand told The Times. “You can say ‘molested,' but those children, as you heard say [grown-up Robson and Safechuck], they were thrilled to be there. They both married and they both have children, so it didn’t kill them.”

No Catholic would say that about the victims of some priest even though 80% of them were teenage boys not little kids.  Yet Streisand is basically excusing child molestation.

Bizarrely Streisand goes on to say:

“I feel bad for the children,” she said. “I feel bad for him. I blame, I guess, the parents, who would allow their children to sleep with him. Why would Michael need these little children dressed like him and in the shoes and the dancing and the hats?”

But if it was no big deal then why feel sorry for them? It appears that Streisand is saying that while what Jackson did was wrong it's ok because he's a great guy otherwise and he's not at fault.

Which is still nothing less than defending child molestation.

Something no Catholic would do.

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