Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Jussie Smollett agent provocateur

Jussie Smollett didn't get to walk away a free man because he was innocent.  The DA who let him off said he wasn't being exonerated.

Jussie Smollett didn't get let off the hook because he's a famous left wing Black gay man who is above the law; though Tucker Carlson is correct that to Democrats Jussie is above the law.

Jussie Smollett is free because he was working for the Democrat party spreading the Big Lie that all white Americans, except for Democrats, hate Black people and are constantly killing them for no reason other than racist hatred.

It's true that Jussie isn't getting a paycheck from the DNC but by faking a hate crime and claiming that white Trump supporters viciously attacked him Jussie is helping Democrats convince Black people that the real racists in America are Republicans when in fact the only truly racist Americans, other than a tiny number of KKK types, are Democrats.

While Chicago mayor Rahm Emmanuel says that letting Jussie off is horrible he's done nothing to reduce the mass shootings of Blacks in his city.  If Democrats weren't racists they'd have done something about all the crime in Black neighborhoods in Democrat run cities.  We all know that if 3000 white people had been shot in Chicago last year Rahm would have done something that actually protected Chicago citizens but because the victims are mostly poor Black people Democrats like Rahm just don't care.

The fact that the gangs who are doing all the killing also make sure that Black people go to the polls each election and vote Democrat is also a strong incentive for Democrats to do nothing to stop the mass shootings. If the cost of Democrats winning reelection in perpetuity is a few thousand Blacks being shot Democrats have demonstrated their willingness to pay that price.

But it's not just in Democrats lack of concern about Black lives that shows how racist modern Democrats are. Democrats pounce on any racial disparity, where the percentage of Blacks in any group--say police officers--isn't exactly proportionate to the percentage of Blacks in the general population, as an obvious sign of racism.  Yet those same Democrats ignore the biggest racial disparity of all; Black women are 3 times as likely to abort their babies as white women.  Maybe that's because, as one Democrat put it on the floor of the house, it's cheaper to abort babies than to pay welfare for them if they live.  Of course when rich white people, like that Democrat on the House floor, talk about welfare they're not thinking of the white people on welfare.

The overt hatred of Blacks by the Democrats, the party that fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal, is a big problem for the Democrats because they count on essentially all Blacks voting Democrat in order to win elections.

That's why people like Jussie who fake hate crimes, and there are a lot of them, are so critical to the Democrats whose only concern is gaining more power for themselves.

Fake hate crimes covered 24/7 by the #FakeNews media until they're proven to be fake after which the #FakeNews media says we can never know what really happened are a key element in Democrats convincing Blacks that the only thing between Blacks and mass murder are Democrats.

By keeping America ignorant of the truth and by peddling lies, like Jussie being attacked by white Trump supporters, the #FakeNews media propaganda machine keeps poorly educated Blacks--who are poorly educated because Democrats like Rahm are perfectly comfortable with inner city schools being horrible--thinking that without Democrats to protect them their lives would be even worse.

But Democrats are starting to run scared because despite all they do to ensure that Blacks are poorly educated and live in dangerous neighborhoods more and more Blacks are starting to realize that their voting for Democrats, and their parents voting for Democrats, and their grandparents voting for Democrats hasn't improved the situation of Blacks in America one bit; according to Democrats themselves.  Trump's approval numbers among Blacks are reaching levels that are unheard of in the last 60 years.

Democrats are therefore looking to step up their game and do anything and everything they can to convince Blacks that despite all the facts that are out there, such as that if a cop stops someone and that person doesn't try to fight or flee it's more likely the cop will shoot the person if they're white, the only way that Blacks have any hope of living through the night is to vote Democrat.

The problem is that there are very few real white on Black hate crimes in America and when they do occur Republicans are the first to condemn them.  That means that the Democrats have to depend on people like Jussie to fake hate crimes, that's why long after Black Democrat Attorney General said that "hands up don't shoot" was a complete lie the #FakeNews media acted as though it were true.

The Democrat's need Blacks who will lie to further the narrative that keeps Democrats in power and they will not lose a valuable asset in the war on Black people simply because he's caught in the act of faking hate.

Jussie Smollett is a modern Democrat storm trooper on the front line of the Democrats war on truth and freedom.  Hence there is no way they would allow him to be punished for doing the critical job of inciting race hatred and keeping Blacks in a state of fear.

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