Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Barr incident

Clearly Barr's comment about Jarret was inappropriate; it's never right to mock someone's appearance.

However keep in mind that Barr compared Jarret not to an ape but to intelligent beings who are superior to humans, the smart apes took the planet away from humans and then enslaved the humans after all.

None the less some level of punishment is clearly appropriate.

The problem is that when leftists say Trump is literally insane or mock his hair etc they are not punished but applauded.  Similarly nothing Barr said is as remotely racist as what Louis Farrakhan says about whites but it's considered ok for Black Congressmen to meet with Farrakhan.

As with many issues the problem isn't a conservative being punished but the fact that if a leftist had done the same thing they would not have been punished.

In a country where there are courses taught in colleges about how white people are all evil the massive retaliation for one comment which Barr has apologized for seems disproportionate.

That doesn't mean that Barr shouldn't be condemned for her remark but it would seem that given that she has apologized she should be forgiven.

After all when famous atheists Dawkins defended "mild" pedophilia he was immediately attacked, and rightly so, even by leftists. Even though he didn't immediately apologize when he did he was readmitted to the ranks of ok people by the left.

To sane people it would seem that comparing someone's appearance to an intelligent monkey is less offensive than defending child molestation and hence those people are probably asking why we don't condemn what Barr said but accept her apology?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Why children are essential

Read my article at American Thinker:

Why Children are Essential

The Big Abortion Lie

read my article at American Thinker

The Big Abortion Lie

Rejoicing about the ability to kill the innocent.

It's one thing to argue that abortion has to be legal to save the life of the mother.

But it's nothing short of monstrous to rejoice that a woman has the right to kill her child because that child is inconvenient.

Today in America most people only support abortion for rape, incest, or a threat to the life of the mother and/or in the first trimester.

But the leftist fanatics extoll abortion as a good thing, one famous leftist expressing regret over never having had an abortion, for any reason at any point in a pregnancy.

Those monsters have lobbied against stopping abortions after 20 weeks when the unborn can feel pain and where the "blob of cells" being killed looks like this:

Those monsters also say that a woman should be able to kill her unborn daughter because she wants a boy.

Let's restrict abortion to just the hard cases and then work to educate Americans that killing an innocent person is never the right solution.

To leftists lying is like breathing

The NYT claimed that in a background briefing a White House spokesperson had said that it would be impossible to have a summit with NK now.

Trump then tweeted that that was #FakeNews; that the briefer hadn't said that.

Then a journalist released a recording of the "off the record" meeting.

Ignoring for the moment the fact that someone recorded something they weren't supposed to and then someone leaked it the really interesting thing is that if you listen to the recording it proves Trump right.

The spokesperson said that time was short and it would be hard to have a summit. The spokesperson never ever said it would be "impossible".  They never implied that it would be impossible either, only unlikely.

That leaves us with two options.

First no one at the NYT knows English well enough to distinguish between "unlikely" and/or "time is running out" and "impossible".

Second the people at the NYT don't care about the truth at all.

Sadly option number 2 is more likely especially given that even after they heard the recording they continued to claim that they were right to use the word "impossible".

Keep this in mind when you hear the mainstream media say the Pope said there is no hell, or that this or that organization is a "white nationalist" group.

You can trust nothing that you read from places like the NYT unless you can verify it somewhere reliable.

Monday, May 28, 2018