Saturday, March 30, 2019

Democrats use the "we have secret knowledge" lie about Trump/collusion

For the last two years Democrats like Harry Reid, Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Richard Blumenthal, Ron Wyden, Mark Warner, and John Brennan have been telling us that they had access to secret information which proved that Trump had conspired with Putin to steal the 2016 election.

We now know that they were all lying.  There was no secret smoking gun; there couldn't be because the Democrats self proclaimed champion has said that Trump didn't collude with Russia.

After spending $30 million, employing 19 lawyers and 40 FBI agents, after more subpoenas and searches than anyone could imagine Mueller whose antipathy to Trump is palpable concluded that there was no collusion.

That's why we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that all those Democrats were lying.  If they had any information that even remotely linked Trump to collusion they would have provided it to their champion; Mueller. But they didn't.

Hence either it's a fact that they lied or it's a fact that they deliberately withheld critical intelligence about the President being a traitor from Mueller.  If it's the latter though that would mean that the stars of the Democrat party are colluding with Trump.  Now that's a Trilateralist level conspiracy theory!

That's why decent people know beyond any shadow of a doubt that Democrats who are still saying they have double super secret information that proves that Trump did collude, like Schiff and Swalwell, are lying through their teeth.

For two years Democrats have been lying to we the people in an attempt to nullify the 2016 election.

Of course it's not just the Democrats; the #FakeNews media has been lying too.  There have been many "news stories" that claimed that Trump was about to be perp walked out of the White House which all fizzled long before Mueller sank the Democrats hopes.

This is a great opportunity to drive home the message that the Democrats and the #FakeNews media will lie about anything if by lying they increase their power over we the people.  That's why Global Warming...err Climate Change reporting can't be trusted.  The entire Green New Deal is nothing more than a massive transfer of power from we the people to the Democrat politicians and Democrat government bureaucrats and Democrats are trying to sell that to America by lying about the climate.

If the Democrats and the #FakeNews media will tell us that Trump is a Russian agent when they know it's not true it's clear that there's nothing they won't lie about if lying benefits them.

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