Saturday, March 16, 2019

Chelsea Clinton mass murderer

For the second time in 30 years I'm going to have to defend Chelsea Clinton.  Decades ago in one of his few mistakes Rush Limbaugh made a joke about Chelsea's appearance.  Everyone on the right condemned him for it and we all moved on.

How some Muslim NYU students have declared that Chelsea Clinton is a mass murderer.

The last time we heard about Clintons actually killing people was back when Bill was president so this is a change of pace.

The student's "reasoning" is that Chelsea said that Democrats shouldn't traffic in antisemitism. Now to most of us, at least most conservatives, that's an obvious thing.  Hating everyone in a group that is not intrinsically evil is itself evil.

However apparently now that radicals like Omar, Tlaib, and Ocasio-Cortez have taken over the Democrat party--and where fake Hispanic Beto apologizes for his white privilege-- it turns out that "Islamaphobia" is objecting to antisemitism.

Given that definition the students blamed Chelsea for the massacre in Christchurch because the shooter apparently doesn't like Muslims. Interestingly that logic would tell us that Muslims who don't hate Jews are Islamaphobic.  That in turn would indicate that to be a good Muslim one must hate Jews.

But if being a good Muslim requires hating Jews then it's pretty clear that Islam is a very bad religion.

Of course not all Muslims hate Jews but the fact that these NYU students feel that to be a good Muslim they must hate Jews is a sign that they are not very good people irrespective of how good Muslims they are.

This is the insanity that the Democrats have let loose on the country; a pregnant Chelsea Clinton is verbally attacked for condemning antisemitism.

In any case the idea that even if Chelsea really did hate Muslims--and note that the idea that people are afraid of Islam, i.e. have a phobia about it, is a bit of leftist idiocy; those who don't like Islam generally do so out of disgust with its teachings-- her belief wouldn't make her responsible for the actions of a eco-fascist in New Zealand.

But the gun control crazy left in America is one of the key reasons why the massacre occurred. The shooter has said that his intent was to have the left in America latch on to his attack as an argument for rejecting the 2nd Amendment which in turn would lead to a civil war in America.

Now if leftists used reason and facts to advance their gun control narrative that wouldn't work. The shooter had hope that he's succeed based on Democrats frantic rush to blame guns and to disarm honest Americans after previous mass shootings.

Democrats aren't responsible for Christchurch, they didn't decide to pull the trigger, but there's a good chance that if they hadn't been irresponsible about past shootings the shooter wouldn't have attacked.

I understand that Democrats never thought that their hysterical grandstanding on past shootings would lead to Christchurch but it'll be interesting to see if they learn their lesson.

That's especially true since it's clear that far fewer innocent people were killed at the site where one of the Muslims had a gun and shot back.  Guns work to defend honest people; restricting legal gun ownership merely empowers criminals.

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