Monday, March 18, 2019

"Beto" intentional cultural appropriation to fool Hispanics

It turns out that the plan to pretend that Robert Francis O'Rourke is Hispanic in order to get elected was hatched long ago by his dad.

The Dallas Morning News said in 2018:

"In the backdrop of the city’s multicultural community, his father, Pat O’Rourke, a consummate politician, once explained why he nicknamed his son Beto: Nicknames are common in Mexico and along the border, and if he ever ran for office in El Paso, the odds of being elected in this mostly Mexican-American city were far greater with a name like Beto than Robert Francis O’Rourke."

What could be more racist or cynical than giving a little lily white, white privileged  kid a nickname designed to fool Hispanics into thinking he's Hispanic so that if he runs for office he'll get more Hispanic votes?

What's interesting is that the same white leftists who go into a hissy fit if a college student wears a sombrero at a party or a high school girl wears a Chinese style dress to the prom have absolutely no problem with O'Rourke pretending to be Hispanic.

But Hispanics aren't amused.  They think that O'Rourke living his entire life in the equivalent of blackface in order to fool Hispanic voters is similar to the stolen valor problem where people who aren't veterans pretend to be veterans.

"O'Rourke hasn't earned the familiarity he allegedly has with Latinos. He should know that life in America's largest racial minority isn't all fiestas.

I’ve distilled it down. And that’s basically the refrain I’ve heard from dozens of Latinos who — unlike the news media, run by white liberals who are fascinated by other white liberals — refuse to go loco for Beto."

Just one more sign that Democrats don't care about minorities; Democrats only use minorities.

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