Friday, March 15, 2019

Democrats enabled the massacre in New Zealand

The monster who killed so many innocent Muslims in New Zealand did so with a desire to create a civil war in the United States.

He wrote:

“With enough pressure the left wing within the United states will seek to abolish the second amendment, and the right wing within the US will see this as an attack on their very freedom and liberty.

“This attempted abolishment of rights by the left will result in a dramatic polarization of the people in the United States and eventually a fracturing of the US along cultural and racial lines.”

What he was counting on is that despite New Zealand having much stricter gun control laws than the US that Democrats would instantly politicize his attack in order to make an emotional push for denying guns to law abiding citizens because some infinitesimal fraction of people who legally obtain guns use them in mass shootings.

If Democrats used reason and logic instead of emotion in their fight to disarm we the people the New Zealand shooter wouldn't have thought that his attack would have the consequences he's hoping for and hence they're a good chance that he wouldn't have done it.

While the shooter is the responsible one it's clear that the Democrats enabled the attack by giving the shooter a reason to think that his mass murder would result in Democrats furthering his political objectives.

Let's be clear the shooter has declared that he attacked those innocent Muslims so that Democrats in the United States would use it as an excuse to take guns away from law abiding Americans.  He did so based on a rational analysis of Democrat behavior.

And the initial responses of Democrats, ranging from Eric Swalwell to Ocasio-Cortez, shows that he was right. They're going to try and disarm Americans using the dead bodies of innocent Muslims murdered by a left wing monster.

Oh and yes the shooter is a leftist. He says that he's a fascist, but in the same sense that Democrats are fascists; he wants the government to have more power. He says he's an eco-fascist; i.e. a left wing green the world comes before people kinda guy.  But the really subtle clue to his political orientation is that he says that the country whose politics he most closely aligns with is Communist China.

Without Democrats constantly using every attack, well except those by Muslims against Christians, as proof of why the 2nd Amendment should be ignored the actions of the monster who killed those Muslims make perfect sense; he wants to give Democrats ammunition to disarm we the people.

As usual Democrats will deny any responsibility for their actions and instead construct a false narrative that a green communist admiring individual was really right wing.

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