Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Like Communists Democrats declare those who disagree with them are insane

A phobia is an irrational fear.  It's a type of limited mental illness.

That's why modern Democrats declare that disagreeing with their insane agenda is itself insanity.

There is no such thing as homophobia; while some tiny number of people may have an irrational fear of gays the reality is that objecting to the massively promiscuous and bad for their health gay lifestyle is rooted in Christian morality--which also condemns promiscuity for heterosexuals-- and reason.

At the same time that Democrats say that we need to spend billions on AIDs research, when AIDs is an STD mostly confined to the gay community in the US, we're told that objecting to the intrinsically unhealthy gay lifestyle is based on irrational fear.

No matter how much evidence is produced Democrats declare any criticism of the gay lifestyle is an act of irrational fear.

By smearing those whose beliefs have been shared by the Western world for more than a thousand years as being insane Democrats do what they do best; avoid actual discussions and concentrate on demonizing and belittling those who dare disagree with them.

Similarly the vast majority of people who oppose the violent radical Islam which is the source of the vast majority of terrorism in the world today aren't Islamaphobes. Rather their rational people who base their condemnation on the fact that the tenets of Islam are bad--Mohammad married a six year old girl--and that far too many, but far from all, Muslims are comfortable with the use of violence against non-Muslims and the oppression of women.

Science tells us that a man is a man until his DNA changes but Democrats declare that anyone who supports that simple scientific fact has an irrational fear of the "transgendered". It's as though people who believe that the earth orbits the sun were "geocentrismphobic".

During the Cold War Communists were regularly attacked for declaring those who disagreed with the official state policy, whatever it was that day, to be mentally ill.  Today Democrats are doing the same thing; trying to convince people that the only reason anyone disagrees with Democrats is because they're mentally ill; suffering from some sort of irrational fear.

Democrats need to do this because the positions they hold, the massively promiscuous, unhealthy gay lifestyle is great, simply can't be defended using either reason or facts.  Hence to win in the court of public opinion Democrats need to lie and silence all dissenting voices.

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