Thursday, March 14, 2019

If the unborn aren't human beings why do we operate on them to save their lives?

A common pro-abortion claim is that somehow even though they have human DNA the unborn aren't human.

But those inhuman things, as described by pro-abortionists--often have surgery to fix medical conditions and those surgeries are always performed by medical doctors not veterinarians.

The reality is that science states that at the moment of conception, when a new unique set of DNA and hence a new unique human being is formed, human life begins.

To argue otherwise is to be on par with arguing that the sun orbits the earth or that the earth is flat.

The reason that pro-abortion folk won't admit that simple scientific truth is because if they do they have to admit that they're saying that the government can define some human beings as not being persons who are protected by the law.

But if that's the case then pro-abortion folk can't condemn slavery or the Holocaust because in both cases the government declared that certain scientifically human beings were not in fact persons and did not have any rights.

While we in the pro-life community can condemn that because we don't believe that the government has the power to define which human beings defined by science do and don't have rights the pro-abortion community can't because they believe that the Nazi's and the slave owners did have the power to define some human beings as not being fully human.

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