Sunday, March 31, 2019

Another dishonest Judge makes Obama a tyrant not a president

We've seen Federal judges declare that one of Trump's executive orders is unconstitutional while admitting that if Hillary were president and had issued the exact same order it would have been constitutional.

We've seen Federal judges declare every exercise of Presidential authority by Trump is unconstitutional.

Now a Federal judge has declared, yet again, that an Obama Executive order can't be overturned by a Trump executive order.

Obama issued an executive order banning oil drilling in certain oceans areas.  Trump issued an executive order changing that.  An Obama appointed judge declared that Obama's a super president who subsequent presidents can't overrule.

The Judge, Sharon Gleason, said:

“The wording of President Obama’s 2015 and 2016 withdrawals indicates that he intended them to extend indefinitely, and therefore be revocable only by an act of Congress,”

Let's extend that logic a bit.  Imagine if Trump issued an executive order allowing drilling anywhere at sea.  Then let's assume that a Joe Biden is elected President after Trump's second term.  Can you imagine any court saying that Joe couldn't overrule Trump's executive order just because Trump clearly intended that the drilling permission should extend indefinitely?

This is just one way that dishonest judges are waging war on we the people.  This ruling is saying that  elections don't mean anything. After all if we the people elect a president who has different policies than his predecessor there's a good chance that we did so because we want those policies changed. But this judge is saying that we the people can't cause government policies to change by electing new representatives.

The fundamental principle of American government is that power flows from the people and that the people exercise their power by electing representatives. But if newly elected representatives can't overrule their predecessors then elections don't enable the people to exercise their authority.

Gleason is making Obama a tyrant whose edicts are untouchable by his lawfully elected successor.

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