Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Gun control is about disarming the people not protecting them

A recent study found that only 10% of felons who have had a gun while committing a crime got that gun through legal channels.

Hence all the gun control regulations that Democrats are constantly pushing will primarily disarm honest law abiding citizens not criminals.

Democrats know this and that's really their plan. If they really cared about keeping kids safe they'd be all for allowing volunteer teachers to carry weapons once they took the relevant training because nothing stops a shooter like someone shooting back.

While Democrats constantly lie about how it's more dangerous to have a gun for self defense the reality is that citizens, especially the elderly, are simply not able to defend themselves with anything other than a gun.

Women want guns too because unlike the pretend world of modern entertainment a 90 lb woman cannot fight off a 220 lb man who is trying to rape her.

Democrats keep pretending that a semiautomatic weapon is the same as an assault rifle either out of abysmal ignorance or sheer dishonesty.

Given that Democrats live in safe areas, and some like Kamala Harris had armed guards protecting them, they don't care about guns for self defense.  And when they do they simply go against the law. A famous antigun reporter shot a teenager who was one of a bunch who had invaded his yard and used his swimming pool without permission.  A California state legislator who was famous for his antigun stance was convicted of importing fully automatic weapons that he sold to criminals in California.

The Framers wanted an armed population for two reasons; one for self defense because neither then nor now can the police despite their heroic efforts reach a scene in time to stop criminals before they hurt anyone and because as Chairman Mao said "political power grows from the barrel of a gun".

An armed populace can't have their rights stolen the way a disarmed populace can.  It's not accident that dictators of every stripe always disarm the people.

The sheer insanity of the Democrat position can be seen in their applauding that some New Zealanders are turning their guns into the government after the Christchurch massacre. Unless those people are would be mass murderers turning their guns in will do absolutely nothing to prevent another shooting. Even worse if they had those weapons and were near a shooting they could use them to fight off the shooter.

The only reason that Democrats are enthused about what is clearly a counterproductive gesture is that their real intent is to disarm we the people so that they can become our rulers rather than our representatives.

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