Monday, March 18, 2019

Child molester part of drag queen library reading for kids

The Houston public library hosts a drag queen reading for kids where transvestites get a chance to explain to small children why mental insanity is a good thing.

Science tells us that men can't become women unless their DNA changes so men who think they're women are literally insane, i.e. the reject physical reality.

Now that doesn't mean they're bad people or that we should hate them but it does mean that giving them a platform to indoctrinate impressionable children is not a wise thing to do.

The other problem is that people who are sexually confused are more likely to molest kids than the average person.  That doesn't mean that most gays, transvestites, etc are child molesters but it does mean that a randomly selected gay man is more likely to be a child molester than a randomly selected straight man--39% of molested kids are boys, 9% of molesters are women, 3% of Americans are men who have sex with men.

So it's not entirely surprising that the Houston Public Library is now having to apologize because Albert Alfonso Garza was allowed to read to kids.  He was charged, in 2008, with sexually assaulting a child under 14 years of age.

One odd thing is that it doesn't say he was convicted.  Even with our ponderously slow judicial system a case started in 2008 should have made it to trial by now.  But if he was charged but not convicted he wouldn't have a criminal record yet the library said he had a criminal background.

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