Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The dual legal standard; it's ok to fake hate crimes if you're Black

We have clear and unequivocal evidence that Jussie Smollett deliberately stages a fake racist and antigay attack on himself with the intent of smearing Trump supporters and increasing his paycheck.

Yet the Democrat prosecutor in Chicago has dropped all charges against him.

The Black Chicago police Superintendent,  Johnson, is furious because State Attorney Kim Foxx decided to drop all charges against Smollett.  We know that Foxx is in the tank for Smollett because she previously tried to get the Chicago police to turn the case over to the FBI; something that the Chicago police union want's her investigated for.

Can you imagine if some white person faked a racist attack on himself by Blacks and lied to the police about it what would happen if the charges were dropped?

It's clear that in Democrat run Chicago not only do Blacks who shoot other Blacks get a pass so do rich Blacks who lie to the police and hurt all the victims of real hate crimes.

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