Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The left denies the truth; Jussie Smollett and Mueller edition

The left and the #FakeNews media told us for two years that Mueller was perfect in every way.  Yet now when he concluded that there was no evidence of collusion with Russia by Trump the left says that just ain't so.

Instead they claim that they have secret evidence.  Out of curiosity what human being with a functioning brain would believe that these rabid Democrats who have been calling for Trump's impeachment since before he was sworn into office wouldn't have shared damning evidence about Trump with Mueller?

What we're witnessing is the modern descendants of the Nazi's and Communists are rewriting history and demanding that their will force reality to conform to what they want.

The same people who think that a man can will himself into being a woman are saying that they can will Trump into having collaborated with Russia.

The same is occurring in the Jussie Smollett case. There is irrefutable evidence that he hired two of his buddies to fake a hate crime.  Yet we hear the left telling us that Jussie is innocent just because he was able to escape the consequences of his crime because the justice system in Chicago is corrupt.

We know that Jussie is lying because he's not talking about getting the white guys who supposedly attacked him nor is he mad at his two friends who, according to Jussie, lied to the cops about him.

Like their communist role models modern Democrats believe the Truth is whatever they want it to be.

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