Sunday, March 10, 2019

Democrats pass voter fraud bill in the House

Anyone who is of a certain age remembers all the jokes about how corrupt the Democrat political machine in Chicago was.

Mayor Daley, the first one, is such a great mayor that people come back from the dead to vote for him.

But over the last few decades the #FakeNews media has worked hard to hide the fact that there is voter fraud in the US and the Democrats are the purveyors.

In the 1960 election for example JFK won because he won Illinois and Texas.  In Illinois every where but Chicago voted for Nixon. As the night went on precinct after precinct in the non-Chicago part of Illinois reported their results.  But none of the Chicago area precincts reported theirs.  Then magically after all of the Nixon precincts reported the Chicago precincts reported with just enough votes to give the state to JFK.

In subsequent elections the non-Chicago districts didn't report until some Chicago precincts did and it went back and forth so the Democrats couldn't steal another election.

But if there is any doubt that Democrats support massive voter fraud the law they just passed, H.R. 1, proves that Democrats want voter fraud on a massive scale.

Here's some of the problem with the Bill:

1) It would prohibit states from requiring proof of citizenship. All some illegal would have to do is attest that he is a citizen.  But since we know that all illegals were willing to break the law to get more money in the US, real refugees don't have to sneak in, the odds that a significant portion of them will be willing to break our election laws to elect Democrats who will give them stuff is high.

2)It would require every State to give a regular, not provisional, ballot to anyone who claims to have moved. If it turns out he actually voted in multiple locations there would be no way to undo his vote since his ballot would be mixed in with all of the honest voters ballots.

3)It would require States to add names to the voter rolls with are poorly verified thereby significantly increasing the number of duplicate and incorrect entries--people who have died--which is a bonanza for voter fraud.

4)It is unconstitutional since it takes from the States powers granted to them by the Constitution such as determining who is qualified to vote.

Interestingly while Democrats deny there is any voter fraud they yell loudly about Republican ballot harvesting in North Carolina.  While that is wrong it's interesting that California Democrats made it legal and used illegals to collect ballots for Democrat candidates in California.

Like all criminals Democrats deny doing anything wrong or that letting anyone be considered a citizen just because they say they're a citizen would lead to voter fraud.

Democrats are very open about one kind of voter fraud; counting illegals for the purpose of apportioning seats in the House of representatives.  California has millions of illegals so that if they count just as much as citizens do even if the illegals don't vote California will get more House seats per resident than states without illegals which essentially mean the votes from California count more than the votes from states without lots of illegals.

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