Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Democrat soft antisemitism; if everyone is Hitler than no one is Hitler

We know that there are virulent antisemites in the Democrat party; people like Omar and Tlaib.

There are a lot of soft antisemites too; people who will use the Holocaust to further their own ends without any concern that by doing so they effectively minimize one of the most monstrous events in human history.

When Democrats say that Trump is like Hitler or literally Hitler based on logically fallacious arguments their clear intent is to smear Trump rather than actually demonstrate why his actions are bad.

But when half the country doesn't think that Trump is a monster they become desensitized to the charge of being like Hitler and about the true horrors of the Holocaust.

It's like the boy who cried wolf; by constantly and incorrectly comparing Trump, or Bush, or whatever Republican they happen to hate today with Hitler they ensure that if a real new Hitler were to appear comparing him to Hitler will have lost its sting.

In a world where the very same Palestinians who call for genocide against Jews are heralded by Democrats as the "victims" of Israeli oppression the fact that Democrats are dedemonizing Hitler is a form of soft antisemitism.

One of bits of good that came out of the Holocaust was that pretty much everyone in the world, with the exception of Muslims, at the end of WWII agreed that killing Jews was a very very very bad thing.

By constantly comparing anyone to Hitler the Democrats are eroding that consensus by effectively minimizing what Hitler did.  Declaring that when Trump points out that the #FakeNews media lies makes Trump like Hitler is saying that Hitlers big problem was his opposition to a free press not his slaughter of six million Jews.

Interestingly Democrats don't compare Trump to Communist dictators who suppressed the press but who didn't mass murder Jews; people like the tyrants who ruled East Germany or Romania during the Cold War.  They don't even compare Trump to those Communist dictators like Stalin or Mao who killed far more people than Hitler but who were less genocidal and more indiscriminate in picking who they would kill.

Why?  Because the same Democrats who are condemning Trump for calling out that the #FakeNews media is the enemy of the people because it lies to the people, just like the government controlled media in the Communist countries did, have spent decades defending Communist tyrants, like Gorbachev, who crushed the press in their countries.

If you go back to when the Soviet Union exists you'll find all sorts of Democrats declaring that the dictators who ran the place were better than Ronald Reagan. That despite the fact that those Soviet tyrants threw dissident reporters into the gulags.

The reality is that Democrats don't have a problem with people who suppress the press. They only have a problem with people who call out the truth that the #FakeNews media, which is not all of the media, aren't reporters; they're Democrat propagandists who will tell any lie to help Democrats get power.

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