Friday, March 22, 2019

The Left is full of H8ers

Conservative commentator Eric Bolling's son died from a drug overdose.  Needless to say he like so many other Americans was traumatized by the loss of his child to the drug epidemic that is sweeping America.

Yet the other night some left wing scum bag walked up to Bolling in a restaurant and said that Bolling's son "killed himself because he was embarrassed by his dad."

It'll be interesting to see if the #FakeNews media covers this the way the covered Trump's attack not a deceased veteran but on the political activities of the parents of a deceased veteran.

Sadly this sort of hate filled attack is not surprising.  Ilhan Omar says that Trump isn't human and the Jews hypnotize the world.  Tlaib supports the BDS movement that calls for the destruction of the state of Israel. Many Democrats say Trump is Hitler and that Trump is literally insane.

The reality is that because almost all Democrat political positions go against the interests of hard working Americans in order to coddle the rich, criminals,  illegals, and those who are unwilling to work trying to demonize Republicans is the only thing Democrats can do.

But this sort of behavior, and a lack of condemnation of it, is what to expect given that todays Democrats are fascists who are hell bent on becoming our rulers not our representatives. They truly believe that they are better than us and that they are certainly better than Trump.

Any election which they don't win is an affront to their self assigned superiority and, being generally quite enthralled with how wonderful they are, hence a cause for anger, name calling, and hostility.

Today's Democrats are motivated by hate; hate of white people who don't move in the right circles, hate of the Constitution, hate for straws, hate for people who eat meat, hate for brown babies, hate for Blacks who dare disagree with them, hate for Asians who demand to be treated fairly, hate for Americans who don't want to be taxed to ensure that those who are unwilling to work have a great life, hate for anyone who stand between them and power, and hate for any religion that dares question the modern Democrats hedonistic world view.

They don't look for solutions that help all Americans only for ways to ensure that their voters are rewarded with other people's money.

One of the biggest big lies being told these days is that the left is compassionate and caring while the right is evil and selfish.

Given that it's the right that opposes the mass slaughter of Black babies by abortion while the left cheers it on it's clear that the people who care aren't on the left.

Given that Democrats are now supporting the killing of fully born babies they clearly aren't compassionate in any sense of how that word is understood by the majority of humanity.

Given that there's a well established relationship between a persons politics and faith and their charitable giving--conservative church goers give the most atheist leftists give the least-- it's clear that  it's the right not the left that's compassionate; remember forcing other people to give their money isn't being charitable.

Given that it's the right who is talking about the mass shooting of Blacks in Democrat run Chicago while Democrats remain silent it's clear that it's the right not the left that cares about Blacks.

And the examples go on and on.  Democrats talk the talk but they don't walk the walk; what they do is done for themselves not for we the people.  They want power and we need to keep that away from them if we want our children to live in a free country rather than a tyranny run by H8ers.

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