Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why the #FakeNews media is an enemy of the people.

For a Democracy to work the voters must have the facts so that they can intelligently decide which policies, and hence which candidates, they should support.

Therefore any news organization which spreads lies or spins the truth makes it hard for the people to vote intelligently and can in fact fool the people into voting against their own interests.

That's why fascist regimes all control the news.  For example the residents of North Korea are so poor that they often eat tree bark and dirt because there is no food.  Yet for decades they thought that they were much better off than the poor sods who lived in South Korea and so they continued to support their Communist rulers.  They believed that because the government controlled media lied to them.

America may be the first country where large portions of the media have voluntarily decided to lie in order to provide support for one political party.

That the #FakeNews media is deliberately trying to distort we the people's understanding is undebatable.  In the last week Jussie Smollett put for insane claims and the #FakeNews media spread it with wild abandon.  Last week a man pulled a gun on two Trump supporters because they were Trump supporters and the #FakeNews media ignored the story.  The #FakeNews media sat on the fact that Bill Clinton had lied under oath for months until a lone rogue journalist, Matt Drudge, forced them to address it.

A free press is necessary but not sufficient to protect Democracy; we also need an honest press. They can editorialize all they want but the current problem is that the #FakeNews media has turned all reporting into editorials while claiming to be objective.

Purging the #FakeNews media and replacing it with media sources that report the facts and just the facts would dramatically improve the prospects of Democracy in America which is, of course, why the #Fake News media and the Democrats are fighting so hard to maintain the status quo and act as though pointing out the problems with significant parts of the "free press" being nothing more than Democrat party propagandists.

Without untold billions in free propaganda from the #FakeNews media the Democrats wouldn't be able to get anyone elected to dog catcher much less President.

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