Monday, February 11, 2019

Democrats embrace violent racist Antifa leader

Joseph Alcoff was allegedly part of a mob that attacked two Hispanic marines and he's currently charged with aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation.  He's also had his picture taken and been consulted by Democrat politicians like Rep. Maxine--we have to impeach Trump--Waters and Senator Sherrod Brown.

Alcoff worked with Democrats on their bill regulating payday lenders.

While he was working with Democrats in Congress he was reportedly an Antifa leader in Washington.

Interestingly his pretend name was "Chepe".  That's a Hispanic baby name meaning God will increase.  Perhaps Joseph thought he was more Hispanic than the Marines who were brutally attacked by an Antifa mob.

While Democrats are distancing themselves from him now they didn't do so when Antifa was using violence to silence speech that Democrats didn't like in places like Berkeley.

Of course given that the Democrats are now the party of abortion up to and including labor and infanticide, not to mention anti-Semitism, it's hardly surprising that they'd only throw Alcoff under the bus when he was actually indicted not when he was part of a group that advocated silencing anyone who disagreed with Democrat party dogma.

The reality is that the modern Democrat party is the new Nazi party.

  • The Democrats use groups like Antifa to silence opposing voices; the Nazi's used Brown Shirts to intimidate and silence their political foes.
  • Democrats support the killing of 61,000,000 babies, the Nazi's murdered 6,000,000 innocent Jews.
  • Democrats support killing the unborn if they may be handicapped; the Nazi's legalized abortion for the they called undesirable like the physically imperfect and Jews.
  • Democrats like Ilhan Omar are openly declaring their hatred of Jews; the Nazi's hated Jews.
  • Democrats are pushing socialism; the Nazi party was the National Socialist German Workers' Party
  • Democrats are for a government that run;es over every aspect of we the peoples lives including how much soda we can drink; the Nazi's believed that the government had complete power over the lives of Germans.

Like the Nazi's modern Democrat politicians believe that they should rule over the people not represent them.

Some will object that this comparison somehow adversely impacts our perception of the Holocaust but that's invalid. That modern Democrats are supporting a new slaughter of innocents doesn't mitigate the genocidal horror that the Nazi's waged against innocent Jews any more than acknowledging the Turks genocidal war against Armenians does.

For Jews the Holocaust was the worst genocide and because of that we need to all stand against all anti-Semitism but that doesn't mean that we can't point to new atrocities.

Interestingly the rabid support for abortion, and now infanticide, by the Democrats isn't tempered in any way by the racial disparity in results.  If Blacks under represented in a certain type of job or if they're over represented in prisons Democrats tell us that the only possible explanation is racism.

But Democrats say nothing when it's mentioned that Black women are 3 times as likely as white women to abort their unborn child.  Even though abortion is the leading cause of death for Blacks in America Democrats don't talk about racism.

So perhaps the abortion carnage is motivated by some level of racial animus like the Holocaust

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